Upcoming Meeting Pic

The Pocahontas School District (Pocahontas Elementary, M.D. Williams, Pocahontas Junior High and Pocahontas High School) will hold the Annual Title I Meeting on October 12, 2022 in the Pocahontas Junior High School Library at 4:00 p.m.  All district principals will be in attendance to report on the following information to the public:

1. Academic Assessment used to measure student progress and proficiency level of students

2. Inform parents they have a right to ask for a meeting to discuss and formulate suggestions              and  to participate in decisions about the education of their children

3. Cover Parent's Right to Know (Qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals)

4. Annual Report Card

5. Individual Student Assessment Report

6. Progress Review

7. Written State Complaint Procedure

8. Disabled Parents - Title I, Part A Programs

9. Parental Involvement Plan and funding 10. Parent Compact