Pocahontas Public Schools
Arkansas Public School Choice Application
In order to provide more options to parents and students with respect to where a child attends school, the Pocahontas School District is accepting students under the Arkansas Public School Choice Act. Per Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) guidelines, students must file a School Choice Application with the nonresident district AND the resident district. Applications can be mailed, hand delivered or emailed (dianna.johnson@pocahontaspsd.com) but must be postmarked/received no later than May 1, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year. Applicants will be notified by July 1, as to whether their application has been approved or rejected.
Applications can be found on the Pocahontas School District website at www.pocahontaspsd.com (Schools > Pocahontas School District > Menu > Documents > Parents > School Choice 2023-24) or picked up at the administration office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. If additional information is needed, please call 892-4573, ext. 5002, or email Dianna Johnson at dianna.johnson@pocahontaspsd.com.