Life Touch will be here on the 12th of October to take school pictures. Packs will be coming home this week..
Homecoming is scheduled for October 14th. The following days have been designated for spirit week. Mr. Fish strongly requests that students do not come to school with face paint.
Monday, October 10: Olympic Rings; "match your class colors"
3rd grade: Green
4th grade: Yellow
5th grade: Red
6th grade: Blue
Tuesday, October11: The Jungle Day
examples: animal print clothing, safari, ect.
Wednesday, October12: Favorite Sport Day
dress as your favorite athelete, sport character, ect.
Thursday, October 13: USA Day, red, white, & blue
Friday, October 14: Red ~n~ White Day
Parent Teachers Conferences is scheduled for October 20th from 3:30 - 7:30 pm. This is not a student led conference. Parent are encouraged to call the MD Williams office or contact your child's teacher for an appointment. Appointments are scheduled for 10 minute intervals to accommodate all parents and students. If you feel as if more time is needed please speak to the homeroom teacher about meeting with her on her daily prep hour.