March 11, 2017
Student Council Movie day will be Friday, March 17. All concessions will be $1.00. Movie times will be as follows: 8:00 - 9:45 - 3rd Grade - RIO 2 9:50 - 11:30 - 6th Grade - Un...
March 2, 2017
March 31st 2017 6th Grade: 8:00 am 5th Grade: 9:00 am 4th Grade: 10 am 3rd Grade: 12:00 pm
February 17, 2017
MD Williams will not be in session on Monday, 20th, in observation of President's Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, 2/21/17. Thank you and have a safe weekend!
February 1, 2017
MD Williams Intermediate School 2301 North Park Pocahontas, AR 72455 Valentine Day Deliveries 2/1/17 To Whom it May Concern: Valentine Day deliveries have, over the last few...
February 1, 2017
Attention Parents & Students: There are to be no breakable items, oversized items or balloons on the school buses. Please keep this in mind when sending Valentine's Day items to y...
January 25, 2017
Pocahontas Community Night @ High School Gym February 7th 2017 @ 6:00 P.M. see Documents for announcement flyer on the webpage (bottom)
January 19, 2017
MDW Library is currently selling Yearbooks. Sales will continue through March 17th. Parents: we have an outstanding amount of lunch charges in the cafeteria. Please make arra...
January 10, 2017
NWEA Testing still going on this week! ACT Aspire Testing begins tomorrow and will continue thru this week. ABBIT Assembly has been rescheduled for Friday, 01/13/17. Times ar...
December 10, 2016
Monday, December 12th: Band Christmas Concert in the MDW Gym beginning at 6:30 pm. Students will need to be here at 6 pm. Thursday, December 15th: Student Holiday Incentive ...
November 28, 2016
Welcome back from the Thanksgiving Holiday Break. Today's announcements include: Tutoring resumes this week, Monday - Thursday. November 29th: 4th Grade Field Trip to the Wing...
November 16, 2016
TIME CHANGES for ABBIT Assembly November 17th, 2016 9:00 - 9:45 - 6th Grade 10:00 - 10:45 - 5th Grade 12:00 - 12:45 - 4th Grade 1:00 - 1:45 - 3rd Grade ...
November 11, 2016
November 13th: Belles of Christmas Beauty Pageant (MDW Gym) November 15th: 5th Grade Flag Presentation (group 1 @ 1pm) & (group 2 @ 2 pm) November 16: 6th Grade Field Trip t...

October 27, 2016
"Wear a Costume for a Buck " Day will be Monday, October 31st, and the proceeds from that event will be donated directly to Arkansas Children's Hospital. Student Council wil...
October 25, 2016
Monday, October 31st, is going to be a ghoulish day. Student Council will sponsor a "Wear a Costume for a Buck" day. The students will pay $1 to wear an appropriate/fun costume t...
October 4, 2016
Life Touch will be here on the 12th of October to take school pictures. Packs will be coming home this week.. Homecoming is scheduled for October 14th . The followin...
September 28, 2016
2016 HOMECOMING SHIRTS T-SHIRT $10 Youth Small-Adult XL $12 2XL & 3XL BASEBALL STYLE SHIRT (White w/Black sleeves) $15 Youth Small-Adult XL $17 2XL & 3XL FR...
September 22, 2016
See you at the Pole is a national event that will be held next Wednesday, September 28th at 7 am in front otf the MD Williams School. SYATP is a time of student-led prayer for ou...
September 17, 2016
Reading for Education Program begins on Monday, Sept. 19th. Envelopes deadline is September 23rd. Envelopes will be addressed "Attention Parents". The Sock-it-to-em Sock Drive ...
September 10, 2016
3rd Grade Teachers and Students would like to extend their appreciation to each of the grandparents attending today's program in the cafeteria. MD had approximately 250 honorees ...
August 26, 2016
Mrs. Monica Brewington is selling the Kick-off shirts for $10. She has the shirts in her classroom ranging from least to greatest in size: Youth Large and 3XXX. NWEA TESTING wi...