Thursday, December 17th
“Citizenship is a tough occupation which obliges the citizen to make his own informed opinion and stand by it.”Martha Gellhorn
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Carrot Coins, Vegetarian Beans, Spiced Apples, Hot Roll & Milk
Second Semester Classes: Students will need to check their HAC accounts to view second semester classes. Schedules WILL NOT be printed by the office. If you have any questions regarding your classes please see Mrs. Hogan.
REMINDER: Lunches provided for students from off-campus sources must be delivered to the office by a parent or guardian. Students are not allowed to receive meals by restaurant delivery services. Meals brought by delivery services will be sent back.
Students are reminded to park in their designated areas. All students driving onto campus are to have purchased parking tags and must have them having on the rearview mirror and or must be visible. Students are not to pull through parking spaces or back in.
TIP-OFF T-shirts !!! The Booster Club is selling Tip-Off T-shirts for $10 each… sizes are youth large to adult XXXL. See Monica Brewington at MD Williams to purchase. A picture of the shirt is on the bulletin board across from the office.
If you are currently taking a class on the campus of BRTC for both high school and college credit you will be responsible for providing the high school office a copy of your first semester BRTC transcript. BRTC has advised us that your transcript can be picked up on their campus:
Monday, December 21 from 8 am to 11 am and from 12:30 pm to 4pm
Tuesday, December 22 from 8 am to 12:00 noon
Monday, January 4 - Normal BRTC hours
Please have your BRTC transcript submitted to the high school office no later than 3:30 pm Monday, January 4, 2016.
Please check your HAC accounts for 2nd Semester Schedule. Contact Mrs. Hogan if you have questions or concerns before Friday. Changes need to be made prior to January.
Semester Test - Periods 1st and 2nd. Make-ups for 3rd, 4th, and 5th period.
Mrs. Henderson will not have morning tutoring today.
Lady Redskins vs Sloan Hendrix (JB,JG,SG) Away @ 5:30
Semester Test - Make-ups for 1st and 2nd period.
LINK trip to go to the movies/bowling/laser tag is on December 18. We will be watching Star Wars in 3D! Cost is $29 and must be paid by Dec 16th. You can invite a friend, but they must pay their own $29.
Lady Redskins vs Highland (JG,SG) Away @ 5:00
Redskins vs Brookland (7th, JB,SB) Home @ 5:00
Lady Redskins and Redskins (SG/SB) will play in the Berryville Holiday Classic 12/28 - 12/30
Pocahontas Public Schools will be closed for the Christmas Holiday, Monday, December 21, 2015 through Friday, January 1, 2016. The district will conduct its regular schedule on Friday, December 18, 2015.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pocahontas Public Schools will re-open on Monday, January 4, 2016.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Circle of Friends:If anyone is interested in joining the Circle of Friends, peer applications are available in the office.
FFA Blacksmith metal/art committeemeets Wednesdays at lunch in the agri building.
FFA Community service committeemeets Thursdays at lunch.
SWATmeetings every Wednesday in Mrs. Baty’s room (Rm 22) at lunch- Bring your lunch!
Math tutoringis available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday BEFORE SCHOOL (7:00 - 7:50 in Rm 18 - Henderson) and AFTER SCHOOL (3:30 - 4:30 in Rm 26 - Steimel). Literacy and other subjects tutoringis available Tuesday and Thursday after school 3:30 - 4:30 in Rm 24 - Bass.
Athletic passes have been handed out to Basketball, Cheerleaders, Swim Team and Pep Band students by their Coaches and Directors.Winter Athletic passes are good for winter sports only (Basketball games). You must show your Athletic pass to the gate workers in order to enter the event for free. If you do not have your pass, you must pay the entry fee.Fall Athletic passes are not good for Basketball Games.
Announcements from the counselor's office...
Transcripts can be printed from student’s HAC accounts. However, if an official transcript is needed you must bring it to the office to be stamped and sealed.
The evening CNA classes are scheduled for March 7-April 4, 2016. Orientation will be held at BRTC on February 17, 2016 at 3:30 pm for any students interested in applying for the course.
Sophomores and Juniors:Be sure to check info sent to you from Mrs. Hogan about summer sessions at Duke University!
Seniors check the spelling of your name on the list on the board across from the office. This is how it will appear on your diploma, so make sure your name is spelled correctly.
Senior Pictures Due: February 5, 2015
You may submit any pictures or write up information Yearbook is needing your pictures from the summer… vacation pics, job pics, etc.
CONGRATS ! As of now 70% of the Class of 2016 meets ACT requirements for the Arkansas Challenge Scholarship. On January 1, 2016 you may begin applying by going to the YoUniversal tab. Those who still need to meet requirements will have until June 1st. We will continue to offer ACT Blast sessions for each of the upcoming ACT national test in February and April and want to help you reach that goal. Again, GREAT JOB CLASS of 2016!
Seniors, who are in the ATU recruitment database, will soon receive information about our 42ndannual Creative Writing Contest. Attached you will find a flyer for distribution. Submissions must be received by January 15, 2016. Awards are announced duringTime Out for Tech.
Seniors check your email to find the application for the 2016 National School Plant Management Association Scholarship application. The submission deadline is February 1, 2016.
The Promberger-Traw Post 4556 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary is offering a $500 scholarship to a deserving Randolph County graduating senior. The seniormustbe a child of a Veteran in order to qualify for the scholarship. If you meet this qualification stop by Mrs. Hogan's office for the application. Application must be postmarked no later thanFebruary 1, 2016.
WinField is keeping the tradition of theCareers in Agriculture Scholarship Program, by announcing the kick-off for this year’s offering, today. Scholarships worth$1,000 will be awarded to 10 high school seniors and 10 college studentsin their first or second year who demonstrate scholastic achievement, leadership in agriculture and a perceived ability to contribute to agriculture in the future. Applications are available atwinfield.comin theNewssection. All applications must be postmarked byFeb. 5th, 2016. Winners will be notified by mail in April 2016.
Seniors are invited to "Show Me Day" at Southeast Missouri State. To schedule your visit go If you plan to attend on aMondayvisit you will need to pick up a college day form in the office and then see Mrs. Hogan. Show Me Days are as follows:Saturday-February 13; Monday- February 15; Saturday-April 2.
Seniors interested in Cosmetology or Nail Technician Program the Arkansas Academy of Hair Design in Jonesboro will be awarding a $1000 scholarship to a deserving student interested in Cosmetology. They will also be offering a $500 scholarship to a deserving Nail Technician. Applications are available in Mrs. Hogan's office.For maximum Scholarship benefits deadline to apply is December 31st. Late submitting deadline is March 15, 2016.
BRTC Scholarships - The deadline for scholarships has changed toMarch 1st, unless otherwise noted on the specific details. Also, note the slight change on the application that addresses the essay requirements. Check your email for the application.
The following are two scholarships that you may be interested in. If I can help you with these please email me or stop by.
- The first scholarship is "Aspiring Fashion Professional" Scholarship. This is a $1,000 scholarship that will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing a fashion degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college. Interested students can visit this find the scholarship located at the bottom of the page and click on it.
- The 2nd Scholarship is the "Aspiring Animation Professional" Scholarship Program. This is the 5th year we are awarding this scholarship for We are offering high school seniors the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship. This will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited post-secondary school or college. We ask that you have interested students visit our website,www.careeranimationreview.comto find eligibility information along with the online application. The scholarship will be on the right side of the page and click on it.
The deadline for both scholarships isJune 1, 2016.
Nursing Schools Almanac has just launched its second annual Aspiring Nurse Scholarship. They will award a $1,000 scholarship to an aspiring nurse who best demonstrates:
+ A track record of academic excellence, particularly in science and mathematics
+ A passion for the nursing profession and the overall field of healthcare
This scholarship is open to all high school seniors who plan to pursue college education in nursing, including LPN / LVN, ADN, and BSN programs. Scholarship applications will be accepted until midnight on June 30, 2016.
They ask interested students to visitwww.nursingschoolsalmanac.comand click the banner on the right-hand side of the website's homepage. Here you will find detailed scholarship information and the official application form.