Tuesday, February 2nd
“May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.”Peter Marshall
Lunch: Chicken Fajitas, Lettuce/Tomato, Beans, Salsa, Orange Wedges & Milk
Lost & Found: We have jackets and shirts in the office that have been left in classrooms or found on campus. Please come by the office to claim.
MISS REDSKIN PAGEANT has been scheduled for March 12th. Registration forms are available in the office or with Mrs. Nead. The deadline is March 4th.
DO YOU HAVE TALENT? Sing? Dance? Something else? If so, try out for STARBURST!! Try-outs are February 3rd after school (MD GYM) Get your act together!!! Applications are available in the office or with Mrs. Nead
Yearbook Sale:Valentine's Special Feb.1 - 12
Bring a friend and both of you can purchase the yearbook for $40.00 each. The sale is over at 3:30 PM on Feb. 12th, so take advantage of the deal now!
Yearbook has opened a few more pages for Parent and Business ads.
***Space is limited!***
If you would like one of these ads in the 2016 yearbook, please contact Rachel Sullinger or a staff member
Students who were given an AIP form(s) regarding remediation: the deadline to return the form, signed by parent/guardian is this Friday (2/5/16).
Senior Night Spotlight forms are due back in the office no later than the end of the day Friday, February 5th.
Valentine’s Day deliveries will be accepted Friday, February 12th. Deliveries should be made directly to the library. ALL DELIVERIES MUST BE MADE BY 2:00.
FFA Events for the Week of February 1st-5th:
***There will be no FFA Committee meetings this week.
***All CDE practices will take place this week.
Winners of the Most Spirited in the Jungle for the last three home games:
Eric Wolfe - Hillbilly and Crazy Redskin Fan
Kate Junkersfeld - Crazy Redskin Fan
TK Holt - Crazy Redskin Fan
Parker Sutton - Tacky Tourist
Jared Wren - Tacky Tourist
***See Monica Brewington at the game on Tuesday to receive your popcorn and drink.
Redskins vs Trumann (7th, JB,SB) @ Home at 5:00…(PJHS Parent Night - Boys)
The Jungle theme is “Neon Night…. Redskins lighting up the night”
ART CLUB will be painting faces at the Tuesday night basketball game. $3 per design.
Redskin Swim Meet at Home… Dismiss swimmers at 2:30…. Team pictures will be taken.
Crowley’s Ridge college rep will be in the counselor’s office from 11:45-12:15
ART CLUB will meet at lunch on Wednesday, 12:05, Ms. Galvan's room
Starburst tryouts at M.D. Williams gym
Lady Redskins vs Brookland (7th, JG,SG) @ Home at 5:00….(PJHS Parent Night - Girls)
The History Club will meet on Friday, February 5th in Ms. Galvan's classroom.
Senior Pictures Due
Progress Reports go home today.
Redskins vs Gosnell (JB,SB) @ Gosnell at 5:30
Lady Redskins vs Harrisburg (JG,SG) @ Home at 5:00
ACT Test
PHS Student Ambassadors of Randolph County Chamber of Commerce, Ian Allred, Noah Bandy, Braden Lindner, Ty McDonnough, Lacey Moore and Adrian Rutter are collecting donations on behalf of Friends of Pocahontas Animal Control (FOPAC). Please help by bringing in donations of dog food, cat food, litter, collars, blankets, treats etc. for our four legged friends. FOPAC helps animals that are abandoned. They find rescue, foster parents, adoptive parents and vet the animals. Collection boxes are located in the main hall by the nurse’s office. Thank you in advance for your support. Donations will be collected through Feb. 5th.
Pocahontas Project Graduation Formal Dress Sale - February 13th at MD Williams gym. First dress entry is $10 and each additional dress is $5 (jewelry and accessories are no charge). All profits are yours. Drop off from 9-10 a.m. and Open Sale 10-2:00 p.m.
Circle of Friends:If anyone is interested in joining the Circle of Friends, peer applications are available in the office.
FFA Blacksmith metal/art committeemeets Wednesdays at lunch in the agri building.
FFA Community service committeemeets Thursdays at lunch.
SWATmeetings every Wednesday in Mrs. Baty’s room (Rm 22) at lunch- Bring your lunch!
Math tutoringis available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday BEFORE SCHOOL (7:00 - 7:50 in Rm 18 - Henderson) and AFTER SCHOOL (3:30 - 4:30 in Rm 26 - Steimel). Literacy and other subjects tutoringis available Tuesday and Thursday after school 3:30 - 4:30 in Rm 24 - Bass.
Athletic passes have been handed out to Basketball, Cheerleaders, Swim Team and Pep Band students by their Coaches and Directors.Winter Athletic passes are good for winter sports only (Basketball games). You must show your Athletic pass to the gate workers in order to enter the event for free. If you do not have your pass, you must pay the entry fee.Fall Athletic passes are not good for Basketball Games.
Feb. 8th - Senior Night for Girls Basketball
Feb. 11th - Senior Night for Boys Basketball, Cheer, Swim
Feb. 13th - FFA Farm Sale starting at 9:00 A.M. at the Peanut Company in East Pocahontas
Feb. 13th - Project Graduation Formal Dress Sale at MD Williams gym- Drop off: 9-10 am. Open Sale from 10-2:00 p.m.
Feb. 16th - Pep Rally @ 9:00 …. Seniors will have a meeting in the gym following the pep rally.
Feb. 23rd - The last day to get order a yearbook with personalization. Our numbers have to be turned in, so to guarantee you get a 2016 yearbook, you need to pre-order it now.
March 9th - ACT Universal Test for Juniors
March 11th - Ready, Set, Graduate at BRTC. Bad weather day, Friday, April 1st.
March 12th - Miss Redskin Pageant
March 14th/15th - Starburst Performances
April 21st - Business Expo/Job Fair at BRTC
Announcements from the counselor's office...
Transcripts can be printed from student’s HAC accounts. However, if an official transcript is needed you must bring it to the office to be stamped and sealed.
The evening CNA classes are scheduled for March 7-April 4, 2016. Orientation will be held at BRTC on February 17, 2016 at 3:30 pm for any students interested in applying for the course.
Sophomores and Juniors:Be sure to check info sent to you from Mrs. Hogan about summer sessions at Duke University!
You can now begin applying for the Arkansas Challenge. To apply follow the linkwww.adhe.eduthen go to the YoUniversial tab.
You can now begin applying for federal financial aid to attend post secondary school. To do so follow the link, Other links to FAFSA are NOT creditable and will charge you for your application.
CONGRATS ! As of now 70% of the Class of 2016 meets ACT requirements for the Arkansas Challenge Scholarship. On January 1, 2016 you may begin applying by going to the YoUniversal tab. Those who still need to meet requirements will have until June 1st. We will continue to offer ACT Blast sessions for each of the upcoming ACT national test in February and April and want to help you reach that goal. Again, GREAT JOB CLASS of 2016!
WinField is keeping the tradition of theCareers in Agriculture Scholarship Program, by announcing the kick-off for this year’s offering, today. Scholarships worth$1,000 will be awarded to 10 high school seniors and 10 college studentsin their first or second year who demonstrate scholastic achievement, leadership in agriculture and a perceived ability to contribute to agriculture in the future. Applications are available atwinfield.comin theNewssection. All applications must be postmarked byFeb. 5th, 2016. Winners will be notified by mail in April 2016.
Seniors are invited to "Show Me Day" at Southeast Missouri State. To schedule your visit go If you plan to attend on aMondayvisit you will need to pick up a college day form in the office and then see Mrs. Hogan. Show Me Days are as follows:Saturday-February 13; Monday- February 15; Saturday-April 2.
ASU -Beebe Hands On Preview Day - Tuesday, Feb. 16th or Thursday, April 7th…. If you are interested in attending one of the day’s listed please see Mrs. Hogan or Ms. Crutcher.
Seniors are reminded that Local Scholarship applications are due February 19th no later than 3:30 pm and are to be submitted to the high school office. The applications are in student email accounts with A google doc attachment along with an application procedure attachment. This application must be in type written form. Students needing assistance should email or contact Mrs. Hogan. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Seniors please don't forget about the local FFA Scholarship and the Throesch Scholarship.
BRTC Scholarships -The deadline for scholarships has changed to March 1st,unless otherwise noted on the specific details. Also, note the slight change on the application that addresses the essay requirements. Check your email for the application.
Seniors are also reminded that the Rotary Scholarship application is in their email and it too is open toallseniors. The deadline for application is March 4 and applications are to be submitted to Mr. Kazzee.
Seniors interested in Cosmetology or Nail Technician Program the Arkansas Academy of Hair Design in Jonesboro will be awarding a $1000 scholarship to a deserving student interested in Cosmetology. They will also be offering a $500 scholarship to a deserving Nail Technician. Applications are available in Mrs. Hogan's office.For maximum Scholarship benefits deadline to apply is December 31st. Late submitting deadline is March 15, 2016.
The Windgate Art Scholarship application and information for students planning to major in art and attend UCA in fall 2016 has been sent to your email. Deadline is March 18th.
The 2016 Arkansas School Plant Management Association (ASPMA) Scholarship is now available. The deadline to apply is April 1. To access additional information and the application form check your email.
The following are two scholarships that you may be interested in. If I can help you with these please email me or stop by.
- The first scholarship is "Aspiring Fashion Professional" Scholarship. This is a $1,000 scholarship that will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing a fashion degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college. Interested students can visit this find the scholarship located at the bottom of the page and click on it.
- The 2nd Scholarship is the "Aspiring Animation Professional" Scholarship Program. This is the 5th year we are awarding this scholarship for We are offering high school seniors the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship. This will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited post-secondary school or college. We ask that you have interested students visit our website,www.careeranimationreview.comto find eligibility information along with the online application. The scholarship will be on the right side of the page and click on it. The deadline for both scholarships is June 1, 2016.
Nursing Schools Almanac has just launched its second annual Aspiring Nurse Scholarship. They will award a $1,000 scholarship to an aspiring nurse who best demonstrates:
+ A track record of academic excellence, particularly in science and mathematics
+ A passion for the nursing profession and the overall field of healthcare
This scholarship is open to all high school seniors who plan to pursue college education in nursing, including LPN / LVN, ADN, and BSN programs. Scholarship applications will be accepted until midnight on June 30, 2016.
They ask interested students to visitwww.nursingschoolsalmanac.comand click the banner on the right-hand side of the website's homepage. Here you will find detailed scholarship information and the official application form.