The following is the same information that went out to seniors earlier on a robo call from Mrs. Grooms.
Senior 2020 Information After careful consideration the Pocahontas School District will be providing two options for seniors for the 2019-2020 school year.
1. The first option concerns students who are not in good standing at the end of the third quarter.
This option allows students who are not passing the third quarter to continue working on AMI work, and credit recovery as needed, to increase their grade for the fourth quarter. This provides the opportunity to pass at semester with the completion of work. It also provides the opportunity for those seniors who failed a required course first semester to participate in credit recovery. Students who are not in good standing must pursue this pathway.
The second option is for students who are in good standing. The definition of a student in good standing is: a student who has previously passed the required courses for graduation, who has passing grades for required courses at third quarter, and who has the required GPA for graduation. Within this option there are two choices. The first option allows students who are in good standing and would like to improve their semester grade that opportunity. For example, if a student had a 78% or an 89% at the end of third quarter and would like to improve the grade for semester then they would have the opportunity to do so. These students may continue their AMI work which will be graded for the fourth nine week's grade. Their 3rd quarter grades would be averaged with fourth quarter grades for the final semester grades.
OR The second choice in this option is, students who are in good standing could choose to have their third quarter grade be used as their fourth quarter grade as well. The grades would be averaged together for final semester grade in each course. The student would not continue with AMI work, however, the student should have completed AMI work for Weeks 1 and 2 (March 17 - April 3 which is lessons 1-9) and should be turned in to the appropriate teachers. Students who select this option would also be required to complete two transition pieces to meet graduation requirements. Students will create a resume that could be used post graduation and complete a sample job application. Seniors will receive an example resume in their email. Seniors will also receive a sample job application that they will complete if they select this option. The resume and job application will be turned in to the principal
Seniors must complete the course work for concurrent credit or college courses regardless of the option chosen. All seniors will receive a checksheet in the coming days in their email. The checksheet will need to be completed and returned to the principal as well. PHS is required to provide fourth quarter grades and semester grades for each student.
Seniors will need to contact me by this Friday, April 10th with their option selection. Seniors may email me or call my office at extension 4002.
Seniors will end their year on April 30th. Seniors must have all their work turned in and graduation requirements completed by April 30, 2020. This allows students time to wrap up their year and bring some closure as well.
I will share this information with seniors via their school email account. Other information concerning seniors, will be sent to the student's email as well. .