Graduation presentation plans have been emailed to senior school email accounts as well as posted on the PHS webpage. The presentation will be held the week of May 11th through May 15th. Due to the alternate graduation events on campus during that week, our campus will be closed to the public from 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Only graduation event participants will be allowed on campus during that time. We appreciate your cooperation during this time.
Senior report cards will be available on HAC by Monday, May 11th. You may request a hard copy from the office or by email. Final eight semester transcripts will be available on Monday, May 18th.
10th & 11th Grade Students: For drop off and/or pick up of AMI work, please go to one of the AMI buildings during the week of 5/11-5/15 due to the closure of campus during office hours for alternate graduation events. Please email us if you have any questions.
AP Calculus--May 12, 1:00 pm
AP Literature-May 13, 1:00 pm
AP Chemistry--May 14, 1:00 pm
AP US History--May 15, 1:00 pm
AP Biology--May May 18, 1:00 pm
AP English Language--May 20, 1:00 pm
AP World History--May 21, 1:00 pm
*each of these exams also has a makeup date in June, but students are advised to take the May exams if possible.
If you have any questions, please contact Pocahontas School District AP Coordinator Michelle Kercheval at
Week 1 thru 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
3/17 - 4/9 4/13 - #14 4/20 - #19 4/27 - #24 5/4 - #29 5/11 - #34 5/18-5/22
#1 - #13 4/14 - #15 4/21 - #20 4/28 - #25 5/5 - #30 5/12 - #35
4/15 - #16 4/22 - #21 4/29 - #26 5/6 - #31 5/13 - #36
4/16 - #17 4/23 - #22 4/30 - #27 5/7 - #32 5/14 - #37
4/17 - #18 4/24 - # 23 5/1 - #28 5/8 - #33 5/15 - #38
AMI days #1-13 (Week 1-3) due April 13th
AMI days #14-18 (Week 4) due April 20th
AMI day #19-23 (Week 5) due April 27th
AMI day #24-28 (Week 6) due May 4th
AMI day #29-33 (Week 7) due May 11th
AMI day #34-38 (Week 8) due May 18th
***AMI packets, weeks 1-3 are available online as well as hard copies that can be picked up at the high school. Please call ahead or come up and we will meet you at the door. If someone is not at the door, please call the office at 892-4573 ext. 4002/4003. These packets were due no later than April 17th. Email your teacher if you have yet to complete this work.
(Mr. Hogan's packet for days 1-10 are not available online so a hard copy must be picked up and turned in.)
***AMI packets, weeks 4 and 5 are available in each of the AMI buildings as well as online. Work can be picked up and dropped off in the buildings or you can still drop off work at the high school in the totes by the front door. Please note the due dates listed above.
Beginning April 14th (week 4) till the end of school, AMI packets year will all be available in the AMI buildings as well as online. These packets are now a collaborated effort by the teachers and are more condensed than the first 3 weeks worth of work. A new packet for the upcoming week will be put in buildings by the end of the day on Fridays for you to be able to pick up. Please see the above schedule if you have any questions as to what you are looking for and due dates.
Please remember that AMI work is being graded and will determine your 4th nine weeks grade. It will be averaged with your 3rd and 4th nine weeks for your semester grade, so it is important that you do the AMI work and get it turned in by the due dates. If you have circumstances in which you are not able to get your work in by the due dates, please email your teachers so that you can work together on getting assignments turned in and they are aware of your situation.
Please be sure when you hand in your work that you write your name and the teacher's name on your papers. Also try to keep your papers together by paper clip/staple and if that is not an option for you be sure your name is on each paper.
Please remember if you have classes at junior high, you need to get the AMI work they have put out for those classes. Their packet lessons are not included in the PHS AMI packets #14 and on. Email your teachers for instructions, but I believe hard copies are available in the AMI buildings as well as on Google classroom and on the Jr. High school webpage.
AMI Building Locations: Junior High parking lot, American Made General Store, Sutton FreeWill Baptist Church, Bus Stop in Biggers. You may pick up and drop off work for grades K-12 at any of these locations.
Remember if you are taking concurrent credit or courses at BRTC you must complete those classes as scheduled in order to receive college credit. High school AMI packets do not cover this coursework.
Books can be turned into the office or put them in the totes out front of the building at any time. Please contact Whitney Phillips to turn in your band instrument. If you have other uniforms or equipment to turn in please contact your coach to turn that in.
BRTC: Please see emails sent from Mrs. Hampton as well as Mrs. Stewart in regards to registration for summer and/or fall courses, TOPPS applications, scholarships, etc. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to email them at and These ladies send out information often so please be sure to keep current with your emails.
PROGRESS REPORTS are available on HAC. Grades were updated as of 4/17/20. Report cards for 10th & 11th grade students will available on HAC May 22nd. You may request a hard copy from the office or by email.
LOCKER CLEAN OUT: We will announce a time and date for 10th & 11th grade to be able to clean out your lockers once we get approval and I will send that info out via email and social media.
BOOKS: If you have any classroom books/materials or library books you can drop them off in the totes out front at any time. If you have calculators or anything of that nature please return them to the office during open hours.
EMAIL ADDRESSES: Remember staff email addresses are listed on the school web page under Menu > Staff. Please be sure to check your email often! Please email us or your teachers with any questions you have.
FREE PARKING LOT WI-FI is still available for those who do not have access. Drive up to the MDW/PJHS circle or the big lot across from the high school beside the business building, and connect to "PSD Public WiFi". This will grant you high speed internet for school related purposes only. There is not a password needed to connect and web filters still apply. Teachers or students that need internet access for school work or AMI purposes, please utilize this. BRTC also has free parking lot WiFi available for you. Look for their signs.
MEAL CHARGES: If you have any charges in the cafeteria please get those paid. You can bring check or exact cash payment to the PHS office or the admin office (Attn: Patty Moore). You may also submit payment through We appreciate your prompt attention to this. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Moore @ 870-892-4573 ext. 5030.
YEARBOOK INFORMATION: Yearbooks can still be ordered online at! Yearbooks are $45 and will be delivered in August.
Go to the website and click... Buy a Yearbook... type in Pocahontas High School... click on Shop the Store beside Pocahontas High School Pocahontas, AR... click Yearbook... click Continue to put it in your cart and payment info.