Monday, November 8th  

Lunch Menu: Redskin Cafe’ Backyard Griller Bacon Cheeseburger, French Fries, Lettuce/Tomato/Pickle, Grapes & Milk

*Student meals (Breakfast & Lunch) are free through the end of the  year w/t exception of extra milk or extra a la carte items. 

November Character Trait:  Responsibility

“The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life, is the moment you can change anything in your life.”


Students please remember you are responsible for providing your own masks.  We do have cloth masks available for the occasions you forget, but we cannot provide masks daily.  

REMINDER: Students always be sure to sign in at the office if you come in anytime after the first bell.  You must also always sign out in the office if you leave campus at any time other than the end of the day.  

FFA still has two pigs for sale for meat.  Please email Mr. Washburn with any questions.  (

***Any Jr class member who would like to help with Prom (in April) needs to go by Mrs. Baty's classroom and pick up some information.

Monday, 11/8

An Arkansas State University Admissions Counselor on campus during lunch at the top of the cafeteria stairwell.

Tuesday, 11/9

Lady Redskins - Cave City (7th,JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

Wednesday, 11/10

LINK teaching @ MD Williams from 1:00-2:00 for select LINK members

Thursday, 11/11

Friday, 11/12

Pep Rally @ 12:45… release cheer and band @ 12:30

Football Playoff Game 1  vs Fountain Lake @ 7:00 at HOME.  Let’s Go Skins!!! 

Last day to place your order for rolls! 

Child Nutrition Association Chapter 1L Roll Sale

Please Place Orders by November 12th. Orders will be ready for pick up on November 16th in the cafeteria . All Sales and monetary donations are appreciated.


Hot Rolls(white)-$4.00 a dozen or 2 dozen for $7.00

Wheat Rolls-$5.00 a dozen or 2 dozen for $8.00

Cinnamon Rolls-$5.00 a dozen or 2 dozen for $8.00

Extra Cinnamon Roll Icing- $1.00

**White and Wheat rolls are frozen (heat & serve). The cinnamon rolls are uncooked and frozen.

You can place your order with any of the Pocahontas School Cafeterias!

Phone 892-4573   and Cafeteria extensions are:

Alma-1030            MD. Williams-2030            Jr. High-3030            High School-4030

Please leave us a message if no one answers. This is an annual fundraiser to help needy families in our school district



Pocahontas Redskin football t-shirts are $12, spirit masks are $10 and spirit gaiters are $12.  Please see Monica Brewingtonat MD Williams to purchase yours! 

Yearbook Information

Yearbooks can be purchased for $45 at  

Senior Ad Pricing:

Full Page $200 - 15 photo maximum

½ Page $120 - 10 photo maximum

¼ Page $90 - 5 photo maximum

⅛ Page $60 - 2 photo maximum

*** Purchase Deadline for senior ads is November 20th… please contact with any questions. 

Senior Ad Photos are Due December 3rd. 

~~~please do not submit original photos for senior ads or baby pictures as staff cannot guarantee return of original photos ~~~  When submitting physical copies of pictures you may turn them in to the office or Ms. Whitney Crutcher in Room 4. Digital submissions are of higher quality so please submit digitally when possible. To submit photos digitally please send to  A confirmation email will be sent when pictures are received digitally. 

As we get this school year underway please keep school dress code policies in mind:  

1.       Students are not to wear hats, caps, sock hats, sweatbands (head), pajamas, house shoes, hoods of hoodies, blankets, bandanas and/or sunglasses in the buildings. Exceptions must be approved by the principal.

2.       Tops, shirts, blouses (boys and girls) must cover the front, back, and sides of the upper body. Clothing deemed distracting, revealing, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise disruptive is not permitted. This includes: exposed midriffs, halter/tank tops, spaghetti straps, and see-through shirts, tops or blouses even with a camisole worn underneath. Sleeveless top straps must be at least 2 inches in width (short side of a credit card).

3.       Shorts, skirts and dresses must be of sufficient length. Sufficient length is defined as six inches above the knee (length of a dollar bill) or at a length in which the longest finger does not touch skin while the arms rest naturally at one’s side.

4.       Form fitting pants/shorts (i.e. Spandex, leggings, yoga pants, etc.) may be worn under, or as clothing, as long as the top/shirt is no shorter than the acceptable length for shorts, skirts, or dresses.

5.       In clothing with rips, holes, or tears, the rips, holes and tears should be at a level equal to or below the level for skirts, dresses, and/or shorts. See above for the required length.

6.       Pants are to be worn at the waistline, “sagging” is not allowed.

7.       Clothing, accessories (book bags, jewelry, hats, etc.), or body art that displays vulgar, obscene or otherwise inappropriate symbols, language, double-meaning, or makes reference to alcohol, tobacco, or other illegal substances are not permitted.

8.       During the regular school day, students’ athletic attire such as tennis, track, cheerleading, etc. must conform to all other regulations of the dress code.

Students involved in extracurricular activities, please remember you must present your athletic pass (blue/21-22 school year) at the gate in order to get in free.  If you do not have your pass with you at the gate, you will have to pay admission.  If you have not received your pass yet, please see your coach. 

WINTER ATHLETIC PASSES:  Athletic passes (yellow/21-22) for the winter season will be handed out at the end of this week (see your coach).  These passes are good for entry to basketball games.   The blue fall athletic passes are not valid for entry to basketball games.  Just a reminder, if you do not have your pass with you at the gate, you will have to pay admission.  

Parking for students is first come first serve.   ALL students who drive and park  on campus must purchase a parking pass for $3.00.  Student parking is the area between the softball and baseball fields, the lot next to the business building  and the row with the curb that is front and back.  Please do not park by the sidewalk in front of the building, the small lot on the side of the business building or next to the cafeteria; those areas are for faculty parking and for visitors.  

Students: At no time should you take food to the bathroom to eat.  Second chance breakfast should be taken back to the classroom and lunch should be eaten in the cafeteria or other designated areas for lunches.  

Attention Band Students:  You are not allowed to eat lunch in the band room.  You may only go to the band room at lunch with written permission and AFTER you have eaten lunch.  

Lunch Group 1:  10:50 - 11:30 - Classes dismissed to lunch listed below:

A. Baltz, Blalock, Bradley, Brooks, Crismon, Crutcher, Hackworth, D. Hall, Henderson, Hudson, Huffman, Lange, A. Lynch, Moffett, Sullinger,  Wardlow, Washburn

Lunch Group 2:  11:50 - 12:30 - Classes dismissed to lunch listed below:

S. Baty, Coach Baty, Coach Brewington, Casillas, Melanie Inman, Kazzee, Murray, Nead, Phelps, Shelton, Stewart, Welch


Math Tutoring will be in the Student Center Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday weekly from 3:30-4:30. We can also help with ACT prep.

Tuesday: Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Huffman

Wednesday: Mrs. Murray and Mr. Steele

Thursday: Mrs. Murray and Mr. Steele


Literacy Tutoring will be in the Student Center with Mrs. Bass on Tuesday and Thursday weekly from 3:30-4:30. She can help with anything text-based: Science, History, English, ACT Prep, etc. 

Reminder - No Phone Zone:  It is illegal and unsafe to talk or manipulate a phone while operating a vehicle in a school zone.  Officers will be on the lookout for this offense and will write citations if seen. 

Covid Point of Contact: If you have any questions or covid related information to report please contact Charla Cusson @ 870-810-7409 (primary #), 870-892-4573 ext. 5035 (secondary #) or by email at   If she is unable to answer your call please leave a voicemail and she will return your call as soon as possible.  

Please remember if a person is under quarantine or tests positive for covid, you may not attend any school events on campus. 

**In an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus within our staff and student body we are asking all parents/guardians, and all employees to notify our designated Point of Contact immediately when the following occurs: 

  • Someone in the household has tested positive for COVID-19.

  • Someone in the household has been identified as a Close Contact to a positive case of COVID-19 and is requiring quarantine and/or recommended to be tested for COVID-19.

  • Students attending on-site and employees who are being tested for COVID-19.  If symptomatic, student/staff should remain in quarantine pending results of their COVID-19 test.

Please call Charla Cusson at 870-810-7409, or email information to



Mrs. Kercheval says, 'Don't forget to check your email every day!"


Stephanie Hampton, PHS Counselor-  (870) 892-4573 ext. 4004

Lindsay Stewart, PHS Career Coach -   (870) 892-4573 ext. 4013 


ALL STUDENTS:  Please visit the PHS Counselor and Career Coach Webpage for regularly updated information! You can also find this link on the Pocahontas School District Website>Schools>Pocahontas High School>Menu>Staff>Stephanie Hampton or Lindsay Stewart.  PARENTS:  If you would also like access to the PHS Counselor and Career Coach Webpage, please click on this link and request access or send an email to Mrs. Hampton or Mrs. Stewart requesting access.


Add Mrs. Stewart on Instagram and/or Facebook for updates on college and careers!  Follow at  brtc_phscareercoach. Install the app to follow photos and videos.


ACT Test Date

Regular Registration Deadline

Late Registration Deadline


December 11, 2021

November 5

November 19

February 12, 2022

January 7

January 21

April 2, 2022

February 25

March 11

June 11, 2022

May 6

May 20

July 16, 2022

June 17

June 24


** 2021-2022 ACT cost is $60 (no writing) and $85 (with writing). Juniors or Seniors who receive Free/Reduced lunches qualify for ACT fee waivers.  Please see Mrs. Hampton. 

It's time to register for BRTC Spring 2022 courses.  If you plan to take any BRTC courses during the SPRING semester, the deadline for all applications to be submitted to Mrs. Hampton is December 17th

*CTC students will receive Spring applications from your BRTC instructors. You must return the applications to Mrs. Hampton by December 17th also.*

  • AP Lang/Comp (BRTC Freshman English II) - 11th grade

    • You must have received concurrent credit for 1st semester to be enrolled in 2nd semester. 

  • AP Literature (BRTC World Lit. II) - 12th grade

    • You must have received credit for Freshman English II to be enrolled in any other BRTC English course.

  • AP U.S. History (BRTC US History since 1876)

  • AP World History (BRTC World Civ. since 1660)

  • Algebra 3 (BRTC College Algebra)

  • Precalculus (BRTC Precalculus)

  • AP Calculus (BRTC Calculus I)

  • SPRING_2022 Online Application 


    • Students enrolled in BRTC online courses will report to the PHS study hall during the hour of the online course on your PHS schedule.

    • Students taking BRTC online courses must have a personal computer/laptop at home, capable of running the Lockdown Browser. See all BRTC technical requirements for online courses. The PHS Chromebooks may not allow certain technical capabilities. 

    • Students must be aware that any required books/materials for an online course are the responsibility of the student. PHS does not provide or pay for any course materials. Please check the BRTC Spring 2022 – Book List and check the course syllabus for required materials.

    • If you decide to drop a BRTC online course, it will result in an 'F' on your PHS transcript. To drop a BRTC course, you must complete a drop form through Mrs. Hampton.


    • You must meet the minimum required test scores (on the ACT, 10th Grade ACT Aspire, or Accuplacer) for the course(s) you selected.

      • If you do not currently have the required scores for a course, you must arrange to take the Accuplacer with Mrs. Stewart immediately: No testing will be done the last week of school before Christmas break. You must have the required test scores by December 10th to be enrolled in a BRTC course.


    • IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN A BRTC COURSE, you will also need to complete a FERPA form (signed by the student and a parent.) 



    • Spring 2022 classes are charged at the discounted (high school student) rate of $125.00 (per 3-credit course.)

    • Summer classes are charged at full price: $480 (per 3-credit course.) 

    • BRTC account balances are due to BRTC by January 7th 


    • Applications must be signed by the student and a parent.

    • Applications must be submitted directly to Mrs. Hampton by email or in person. 


Be sure you check your email DAILY.  This is how Mrs. Stewart, Career Coach and Mrs. Hampton, Counselor,  will update you with any important dates and scholarship information.  

***CHECK YOUR NAME*** - We have placed a senior list out on the bulletin board.  Please be sure you check the spelling of your name to make sure it is correct. If it is not spelled correctly,  let the ladies in the office know.   This is how it will be printed on your diploma.  


FAFSA ( and YOUniversal ( are open.  These applications will need to be completed to qualify for ANY state or federal aid. 

FAFSA Checklist


November 15th - Guest speaker, Dr. Ann Paterson of WBU speaking to GT students at 1:30 at the junior high.

November 18th - Workkeys Assessment for Seniors

November 19th-20th - Sr. Quiz Bowl

November 22nd-26th - Pocahontas Public Schools will be closed for the Thanksgiving holidays November 22-26, 2021.  School will resume on Monday, November 29, 2021.

November 30th - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Admissions Counselor on campus during lunch at the top of the cafeteria stairwell.

December 3rd - AR Civics Exam for 2022 graduates in PHS library (Teachers and students who need to take it received an email from Mrs. Hampton with appointment times.)

February 16th - Sr High Quiz Bowl @ NEA Co-Op… 8:30 -3:00

February 26th - AGQBA  Sr Regional 

March 5th - Regional Odyssey of the Mind @ GCT

March 12th - AGQBA Sr. Regional

April 9th - State Odyssey of the Mind 

AP Testing Dates: 

 May 2nd -   AP Chemistry Exam... 8:00 am - Noon

May 4th -    AP Literature Exam... 8:00 am - Noon

  May 6th -    AP US History Exam... 8:00 am - Noon

  May 9th -    AP Calculus Exam... 8:00 am - Noon

 May 10th -  AP Language Exam... 8:00 am - Noon

                       May 11th -  AP Biology Exam... Noon - 4:00 pm

       May 12th -  AP World History Exam... 8:00 am - Noon



11/8-11/13 Jr. High Tournament @ Home

11/13 7th Grade Tournament @ Home

11/18 Corning (7th,JB,SB) @ Home 5:00

11/22 Walnut Ridge (7th, JB,SB) Away @ 5:00

11/30 Gosnell (7th, JB, SB) @ Home 5:00

11/25-12/4 WBU Tournament (SB) @ WBU

12/6 Brookland (JB,SB) Away @ 6:00

12/9 Walnut Ridge (7th,JB,SB) @ Home 5:00

12/13 Blytheville (JB,SB) Away @ 5:30

12/14 Maynard (JB) Away @ 6:30

12/16 Southside (7th,JB,SB) @ Home 5:00

12/28-12/30 Berryville Holiday Classic (SB) @ Berryville

1/3 Trumann (7th,JB,SB) @ Home 5:00

1/6 Valley View (JB,SB) Away @ 6:00

1/10 Highland (7th,JB,SB) Away @ 5:00

1/13 Westside (7th,JB,SB) @ Home 5:00

1/18 Trumann (7th,JB,SB) Away @ 5:00

1/21 Southside (7th,JB,SB) Away @ 5:00

1/25 Brookland (JB,SB) @ Home 6:00

1/28 Valley View (JB,SB) @ Home 6:00

2/1 Blytheville (JB,SB) @ Home 5:30

2/4 Westside (7th,JB,SB) Away @ 5:00

2/5 - 2/12 Jr. High District

2/8 Highland (SB,SG) @ Home 5:00

2/14-2/19 Sr. High District Tournament

2/21-2/26 Sr. High Regional Tournament

2/28-3/5 Sr. High State Tournament



11/8-11/13 Jr. High Tournament @ Home

11/15 Walnut Ridge (7th,JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

11/16 Maynard (JG,SG) @ Home @ 6:00

11/18 Cave City (7th,JG,SG) @ Home 5:00 @ Junior High Gym

11/20 7th Grade Tournament @ Home

11/29-12/4 WBU Tournament @ WBU

12/7 Brookland (Jr jv,JG,SG) @ Home 5:00

12/13 Maynard Jr. Classic (JG) @ Maynard

12/14 Blytheville (JG,SG) @ Home 5:00

12/17 Southside (7th, JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

12/28-12/30 Berryville Tournament (SG) @ Berryville

1/1- 1/8 Kell Classic (SG) @ Swifton

1/4 Trumann (7th,JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

1/7 Valley View (SG jv, JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

1/11 Highland (7th, JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

1/14 Westside (7th,JG,SG) @ Home 5:00

1/17 Trumann (7th,JG,SG) @ Home 5:00

1/20 Southside (7th,JG,SG) @ Home 5:00

1/24 Brookland (SG jv, JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

1/27 Valley View (JG jv, JG,SG) @ Home 5:00

1/31 Blytheville (JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

2/3 Westside (7th,JG,SG) Away @ 5:00

2/7-2/12 Jr. High District @ Trumann

2/8 Highland (SG) @ Home 6:00

2/11 Buffalo Island Central (SG jv,SG) Away @ 6:00

2/14 - 2/19 Sr. High District @ Brookland

2/23-2/26 Sr. High Regionals

3/2-3/5 Sr. High State