Lunch: Calzones, French Fries, Baby Carrots/dip, Fruit, Milk.
Please come by Mrs. Cox's office at lunch and pick up your LINK tee-shirt if you ordered one.
Ms. Shelton's Art I first semester students need to come by Ms. Shelton's room between classes to pick up their folders. All folders left in her room after January will be disposed of.
FFA: Greenhand and Chapter Degree Applications will be ready to be pick up in Mr. Washburn's Room Monday January 9th and are due back in by January 31st no later than 3:20.
Thursday, Jan. 5th:
Maker's Group - library
Football 5th and 6th periods are to report to the student center
Swim meet at Cabot. Release swimmers at 1:00 p.m.
Lady Redskins vs. Hoxie (7th, JG,SG) (Home) @ 5:00 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 6th:
Writer's Group - library
Mrs. Kercheval will not be here Friday.
Redskins vs. Hoxie (8th/Jr./Sr.Boys) (Away) @ 5:00 p.m.
Jan. 10th - Cornerstone will resume meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 10th.
Jan. 20th - F4 Rotation ends.
Jan. 23rd - F5 Rotation starts.
Jan. 26th: The annual FFA Chili Cook-Off/FFA Meeting will take place January 26th from 5:00-6:30 PM please see Mr. Washburn or an FFA Chapter officer for information on how to enter the contest.
The fall (green) athletic passes are no longer valid.
Winter athletic passes are accepted at the gate for winter sporting events. Winter sports (basketball, swim, cheer) athletic passes will be handed out the end of this week. Students must show their pass at the gate for free entry, otherwise students are to pay the $2.00 entry fee.