LUNCH: Chili, Broccoli & Dip, Crackers, Sidekick Slush, Milk
REMINDER: Students when you arrive on campus DO NOT SIT IN YOUR VEHICLES. Students are to park their vehicle and come straight into the building!
Office Announcements
Students and staff: There is a need for volunteers to help play with children at Founders Day, May 4, in downtown Pocahontas. Sign up sheets are taped to the windows in front of the office.See Mrs. Cox if you have any questions.
The book fair is here! The book fair will be open Monday- Friday after lunch. The book fair will be open during lunch and during SEGP conferences. Please come support your library!
Student Council needs to have permission slips and money turned in to Mrs. Hausman by Wednesday, April 24.
Silver Dollar City money is due by May 8, 2019. Make checks to LINK even if you are in a different club. Cash is fine.
Pride Team News
There will be mandatory meetings for the PRIDE Team on Monday and Wednesday during lunch in Mrs. Moffett's room.
Sports News
*Softball District Tournament @ Brookland starts April 24th
*Baseball District Tournament @ Brookland starts April 24th
FFA News
*State FFA Convention will take place April 21st-24th in Hot Springs Arkansas
*FFA Chapter Banquet will take place May 2nd at the Jr. High Cafeteria at 6 PM
Seventh grade GT students will be holding their Project Fair on Monday in the PJHS gym. Please bring your students through to see all the projects! As always, we have a wide variety of interesting topics!
Today: Monday 4/22/19
No Circle if Friends today due to book fair.
Junior High Baseball - Batesville, Home @ 6:00
Tuesday 4/23/19
Junior High Baseball - Gosnell @ Sloan-Hendrix @ 6:00
Wednesday 4/24/19
Student Council needs to have permission slips and money turned in to Mrs. Hausman by Wednesday, April 24.
No Harry Potter Book Club today due to the book fair.
Thursday 4/25/19
SWAT club meeting every Thursday from 12-12:30.
Track - 4A-3 SR High Conference, Home
Friday 4/26/19
No Coding Club today due to the book fair.