Lunch: Grilled chicken sandwich, Potato wedges, Sand salad cup, Carrots/dip, Strawberry cup and Milk.
Students please be sure if you're listening to music in the morning, you're using earbuds. You're more than welcome to listen to music in the morning, before school, but it needs to be only you that can hear it. Thank you! - Mr. Miller
Also, LINK tee-shirt order forms are outside my office door. Money and order for tee-shirt is due December 2nd. Cost $10.00.
PJHS Parent Center Fundraiser: Smencils Pencils $1.00 each.
8th graders are to report to 2nd hour for attendance and then be released to cafeteria.
Senior Band will report to band directly after 2nd hour ends for PHS Pep Rally.
The Pocahontas Redskins will host the Star City Bulldogs in a Class 4A State playoff game, in football, at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 20, 2015. Ticket prices will be $6.00 per person as set by the Arkansas Activities Association. In addition, the only passes that can be accepted Friday night will be Arkansas Activities Association passes per AAA requirements.
Redskins Basketball vs. Corning (7th, 8th, Jr) (Away) @ 5:00 p.m. BASKETBALL GAMES ARE CANCELLED TONIGHT
Progress Reports go home today and are available on HAC. Reports will be given out by English Teachers.
Pocahontas Lady Redskin Tournament (7th girls) @ Home TBA
Jr. Girls Lady Redskin vs. Highland @ 3:15 p.m.
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 23rd - 27th - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec. 3rd - Swim Meet Cabot
Dec. 3rd - The PHS and PJHS Choirs will be singing Christmas carols on Thursday, December 3 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. There will be several groups performing at the old Randolph Co. courthouse before the annual Pocahontas Christmas Parade begins later that evening around 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 3rd - Christmas Parade
Dec. 5th - Jr. High All- Region @ PJHS
Dec. 7th - F4 Rotation begins.
Dec. 10th - The PHS and PJHS Choirs will also be singing Christmas carols at the two area nursing homes on Thursday morning December 10th. A list of students will be provided for teachers to dismiss them from 2nd - 4th hour classes.
Dec. 11th - Spelling Bee (8th Grade - 2nd Period) (7th Grade - 3rd Period)
Dec. 14th - Band Christmas Concert @ 6:30 p.m. - M.D. Williams Gym.
Dec. 15th - Science/Social Studies - Semester Testing
Dec. 16th - Math - Semester Testing
Dec. 17th - English/Others - Semester Testing
Dec. 18th - End of 1st Semester.
Dec. 18th - LINK Field Trip
Dec. 21st - Jan. 3rd - Christmas Break. Schools in session Monday, Jan. 4, 2016.
Athletic passes will be handed out to Basketball, Cheerleaders, Swim Team and Pep Band students by their Coaches and Directors. Winter Athletic passes are good for winter sports only (Basketball games). You must show your Athletic pass to the gate workers in order to enter the event for free. If you do not have your pass, you must pay the entry fee. Fall Athletic passes are not good for Basketball Games.