LUNCH: Grilled BBQ Chicken Sandwich, Baked Chips, Sandwich Salad Cup, Broccoli & Dip, Spiced Apples and Milk
REMINDER: Students when you arrive on campus DO NOT SIT IN YOUR VEHICLES. Students are to park their vehicle and come straight into the building!
Office Announcements
Attention: We will not have hat day for the remainder of the school year.
Letter Jackets & Letter quarter zips: Any students who would like to order a letter jacket or letter quarter zip please stop by the office to pick up an order form. The timing for the orders is changing for the upcoming years - these orders will be turned in May 8th and then will be delivered at the start of the next school year.
Students and staff: There is a need for volunteers to help play with children at Founders Day, May 4, in downtown Pocahontas. Sign up sheets are taped to the windows in front of the office.See Mrs. Cox if you have any questions.
Silver Dollar City money is due by May 8, 2019. Make checks to LINK even if you are in a different club. Cash is fine.
5th Annual Track & Field Day will be May 6th!
FFA News
*The Chapter FFA Banquet date has changed to May 11th at 6 PM in the Jr High Cafeteria.
Sports News
There will be a Softball interest meeting next Friday, May 10th after school for those interested in trying out for the 2020 Softball team. Those not available can contact Coach Ward directly.
Thursday 5/02/19
SWAT club meeting every Thursday from 12-12:30
Friday 5/03/19
Coding Club
Junior High Baseball - Tuckerman, Home @ 5:30