Lunch: Chicken N Waffles, Chicken Tenders, Waffle FF, Waffle & Syrup, Mandarin Oranges and Milk.


The MISS REDSKIN PAGEANT will be February 18th at 1 pm in the PJHS Gym. Please pick up forms in the office if you want to participate. The deadline is Monday, February 13th. Please note that the start time is 1:00 p.m., therefore, the pageant will be over around 4-4:30 p.m.

Yearbooks will be on sale from January 16- January 27. Yearbooks will cost $25.00. You may bring cash or check to Mrs. Hausman in the library.

Mrs. Shelton's Art I first semester students need to come by Ms. Shelton's room between classes to pick up their folders. All folders left in her room after January will be disposed of.

Wednesday, Jan 18th:

New Rotations for next week have been posted.

FFA Week Planning Meeting Wednesday at 12:05 for FFA Members that want to help plan FFA week events.

FBLA members need to see Mrs. Broyles during lunch on Wednesday in front of Mrs. Cox's office to pick up their fundraiser order form. Members must participate to be able to attend Spring conference in May.

Students interested in Boy's Track will meet today at 12:15 in the PJHS Gym

Thursday, Jan. 19th:

8th grade Who's Who pictures will be January 19th at lunch in the library.

Maker's Group - library

Wounded Worrier Project meeting on Thursday at 12:05 to discuss the wounded worrier project.

Students interested in Girl's Track will meet today at 12:15 in the PJHS Gym.

🏀Lady Redskins vs. Walnut Ridge (Home) (7th/JG/SG) @ 5:00 p.m.

Friday, Jan. 20th:

7th grade Who's Who pictures will be January 20th at lunch in the library.

Writer's Group - library

FFA Farm Sale Meeting on Friday at 12:05 discuss the FFA Farm Sale.

F4 Rotation ends.

🏀Redskins Basketball vs. Walnut Ridge (Home) (7th/Jr./Sr.Boys) @5:00 p.m.

Saturday, Jan. 21st:

🏀Lady Redskins Cave City 7th Grade Tourn. @ Cave City TBA

Sunday, Jan. 22nd:

8th grade GT students will rehearse Sunday afternoon at 1:30.

Upcoming Events:

Jan. 23rd - F5 Rotation starts.

Jan. 25th - Tornado Drill 3rd Hour.

Jan. 26th: The annual FFA Chili Cook-Off/FFA Meeting will take place January 26th from 5:00-6:30 PM please see Mr. Washburn or an FFA Chapter officer for information on how to enter the contest.

Jan. 29th: Band - Visual and Performing Arts Festival at the Northeast Arkansas Education Co-Op

Jan. 31st: FFA: Greenhand and Chapter Degree Applications are due back in by January 31st no later than 3:20.

Feb. 10th: Progress Reports will go home today.

The fall (green) athletic passes are no longer valid.

Winter athletic passes are accepted at the gate for winter sporting events. Winter sports (basketball, swim, cheer) athletic passes will be handed out the end of this week. Students must show their pass at the gate for free entry, otherwise students are to pay the $2.00 entry fee.