LINK Field Trip: December 18th. Depart PJHS at 8:15 a.m. and return by 2:45 p.m.
Movie: Star Wars $9.00/person which includes admission ticket, 3D glasses, one soda and one bag of popcorn.
Jonesboro Bowling Center $20.00/person which includes 2 hours of bowling, 2 games of Lazer Tron, $5.00 worth of game tokens, 2 pieces of pizza, French fries and a large drink.
Total Cost: $29.00 for all the things listed above (entire field trip day).
Permission slips are required and are available. See Mrs. Cox.
Field trip Permission slip and Money must be turned in by Dec. 16th. Permission slips/money will not be taken after due date of Dec. 16th.