Lunch: Oven roasted chicken, Mashed potatoes/gravy, Steamed carrots, Spiced apples, Roll and Milk.


Band Fundraiser: Candy can only be sold before school or after school. Make sure to keep up with your candy/money.

This is the last week to purchase a yearbook. See Mrs. Hausman in library. $25.00

FBLA fundraiser "A Kiss For You" is underway. FBLA members are taking orders for a dozen Hershey kisses that will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Beginning Friday Jan. 27 through Friday Feb. 3 there will be a table set up in the main hall at lunch if you would like to place an order. Orders can be made through Friday, Feb.3. Cost per order is $1.00. FBLA thanks you for your support.

Wednesday, Jan. 25th:

FFA farm sale meeting at 12:05.

Tornado Drill 3rd Hour.

Thursday, Jan. 26th:

There will be no GT on Thursday.

The annual FFA Chili Cook-Off/FFA Meeting will take place January 26th from 5:00-6:30 PM please see Mr. Washburn or an FFA Chapter officer for information on how to enter the contest.

Friday, Jan. 27th:

Last Day to purchase a Yearbook.

🏀Redskin Basketball vs. Melbourne (Home) (Jr./Sr. Boys) @ 5:00 p.m.

🏀Lady Redskins vs. Melbourne (Home) (Jr/Sr Girls) @ 4:30 p.m.

Upcoming Events:

Jan. 29th: Band - Visual and Performing Arts Festival at the Northeast Arkansas Education Co-Op

Jan. 30th: Girls' Basketball Parent Night at Corning Game.

Jan. 31st: Boys' Basketball, Swim Team and Cheerleaders Parent Night at Corning Game.

Jan. 31st: FFA: Greenhand and Chapter Degree Applications are due back in by January 31st no later than 3:20.

Feb. 10th: Progress Reports will go home today.

Feb. 13th: The MISS REDSKIN PAGEANT will be February 18th at 1 pm in the PJHS Gym. Please pick up forms in the office if you want to participate. The deadline is Monday, February 13th. Please note that the start time is 1:00 p.m., therefore, the pageant will be over around 4-4:30 p.m.

Feb. 18th: FFA Farm Auction, Saturday, February 18th - 9:00 (early start) @ 2250 Industrial Drive. Contact any FFA member or Mr. Wendell Hogan 892-4573 ext 4245 or 870-892-5963 (cell) or email or Mr. Joe Washburn 892-4573 ext 4244

Feb. 20th: President’s Day Observed - No School

The fall (green) athletic passes are no longer valid.

Winter athletic passes are accepted at the gate for winter sporting events. Winter sports (basketball, swim, cheer) athletic passes will be handed out the end of this week. Students must show their pass at the gate for free entry, otherwise students are to pay the $2.00 entry fee.

2017 ACT Aspire Summative Testing Schedule for PJHS

Monday, April 17th - 9th Grade - (8:00 - 11:30 a.m.)

Tuesday, April 18th - 9th Grade - (8:00 - 11:05 a.m.)

Tuesday, April 25th - 8th Grade - (8:00 - 11:30 a.m.)

Wednesday, April 26th - 8th Grade - (8:00 -11:05 a.m.)

Thursday, April 27th - 7th Grade - (8:00 - 11:30 a.m.)

Friday, April 28th - 7th Grade - (8:00 - 11:05 a.m.)