Lunch: Corn Dog, Pinto Beans, Carrot Sticks/Dip, Banana and Milk
REMINDER: Students when you arrive on campus DO NOT SIT IN YOUR VEHICLES. Students are to park their vehicle and come straight into the building!
Office Announcements
*Beginning on Monday, August 19th, we will observe a moment of silence every morning at 8:00 a.m. and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
*Esports practice starts up Tuesday, Aug. 20th from 4-6pm in the Business Education building. If interested in joining this season, please drop into a practice or email redskin.esports@pocahontaspsd.com for more info.
*There will be an FCCLA meeting at lunch in the FCCLA Room (Mrs. Lynch’s room) Monday-Friday next week. Bring your lunch with you and be ready to work on our Fair Booth project. You must get a note from Mrs. Bradley or Mrs. Lynch before the meeting time or the duty teacher will not let you come to the meeting!