Lunch: Redskin Cafe Backyard Griller Bacon Cheeseburger, French Fries, Sandwich Salad Cup, Fresh Apple Slices and Milk
Congratulations to our chess players for the great job at the Battle on the Board chess tournament on Saturday at ASU! Wyatt Converse placed second in the 4th to 7th grade division. In the 8th to 12th grade division, we had Ethan Campagna with first place, Kenan Ogden 5th, Jaron Lindquist 6th, Austin Rainwater 7th, and Matthew Grider 8th.
Office Announcements
Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.
The library will be closed after school on Thursday.
Student Council t-shirt order forms are due to Mrs. Hausman on Thursday.
*LINK is selling Homecoming mums, pins, and garters through the Posey Patch. Examples are displayed in the Jr. High hallway next to Mrs. Cox's office. Mum can be any size and color, as long as you are willing to pay the extra cost. The display shows standard ribbons and their cost. You may pick up an order form and pay Mrs. Cox in the Jr. High, or go directly to Posey Patch to place your order. If you want LINK to get any % of the money, you must let them know when you order. Homecoming mum order forms are on the red table outside Mrs. Cox office.
*PHS Booster Club is selling Kick-off T-shirts for $12.00. They may be purchased before and after school in Mrs. Brewington's classroom.
HOMECOMING - September 27th
Theme: Welcome to the Jungle
Spirit Days:
Monday: Color War - 9th grade: Blue
8th grade: Orange
7th grade: Yellow
Teachers/Staff: Gray
Tuesday: Favorite Sports Day
Wednesday: Galaxy Day
Thursday: Safari Day
Friday: Red and White Day
Sports News
*Any 9th grader interested in joining the high school swim team, please pick up a folder in the office, complete the forms, and turn them in to the swim coach. For questions or more information contact
Club News
*Any 8th or 9th grade student that would like to join FBLA need to see Mrs. Broyles. Dues are $15.00. If you would like, email if you are interested. Dues must be paid by September 13th.
*LINK memberships begin this week. Applications will be on the red table in front of Mrs. Cox's office or you may pick one up from Mrs. Moffett. Mrs. Moffett is in charge of the PRIDE Team, but you sign up through LINK. The cost is $5.00 per person. Tee shirts and hoodies will be ordered in a different month.
FFA News
*There will be an FFA LDE meeting today at 12:10 to discuss the upcoming events.
*Reminder to all FFA members that the Fruit and Meat Sale is going on through October 4th
Monday 9/9/19
The PRIDE team will be meeting in Mrs. Moffett’s room during lunch today
Tennis @ Batesville & Southside 3:30 PM
Volleyball @ Crowley's Ridge Academy 4:30 PM
Tuesday 9/10/19
Golf @ Highland (Cherokee Village South) 3:30 PM
Tennis @ Allen Park (Brookland, Highland, Valley View) 3:30 PM
Cross Country Meet @ Sulpher Rock (Batesville Pioneer) 4:00 PM - dismissal @ 1:15
Volleyball @ Westside-Jonesboro 4:30 PM
Wednesday 9/11/19
Thursday 9/12/19
The library will be closed after school this Thursday.Student Council t-shirt order forms are due to Mrs. Hausman
SWAT - every Thursday 12-12:30 in the library
Golf @ Home (Rolling Hills CC) @ 3:30PM
Volleyball @ Pocahontas (against Wynne) 4:30 PM
7th Grade Football @ Home (Paragould) 5:30 PM
Junior High Football @ Home (Paragould) 7:00 PM
Friday 9/13/19
Redskins Football @ Paragould 7:00 PM