Lunch: Chili, Fresh Broccoli & Dip, Saltine Crackers, Pear Cup, Gelatin and Milk
Office Announcements
Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.
The library will be closed after school on Thursday this week.
Student Council t-shirt order forms are due to Mrs. Hausman on Thursday.
*PHS Booster Club is selling Kick-off T-shirts for $12.00. They may be purchased before and after school in Mrs. Brewington's classroom.
HOMECOMING - September 27th
Homecoming Dance sponsored by LINK from 9:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Homecoming night. Cost $5.00/person.
Refreshments will be served at no extra cost.
Homecoming T-Shirts are on sale now until Friday, September 20. You may pick up your order forms in the library
Theme: Welcome to the Jungle
Spirit Days:
Monday: Color War - 9th grade: Blue
8th grade: Orange
7th grade: Yellow
Teachers/Staff: Gray
Tuesday: Favorite Sports Day
Wednesday: Galaxy Day
Thursday: Safari Day
Friday: Red and White Day
*Homecoming mums, pins, and garters are on sale now! Please pick up an order form and place your order.
Sports News
*Any 9th grader interested in joining the high school swim team, please pick up a folder in the office, complete the forms, and turn them in to the swim coach. For questions or more information contact
Club News
*Madison Ballard is our new LINK President. Our first meeting will be Friday, Sept. 20th, in the Jr. High gym from 12:10-12:30 at lunch time.
Anyone interested in being in LINK, please come to the meeting. If you have any questions, talk to Mrs. Cox.
*The last day for 8th and 9th grade students joining FBLA is this, Friday, Sept. 13. Dues $15
There will be a junior high art club meeting on Sept. 19th at 12:25(the end of lunch) to pick up papers and officer intents. Dues need to be paid by the end of September.
FFA News
*Reminder to all FFA members that the Fruit and Meat Sale is going on through October 4th
Thursday 9/12/19
The library will be closed after school this Thursday.Student Council t-shirt order forms are due to Mrs. Hausman
SWAT - every Thursday 12-12:30 in the library
Golf @ Home (Rolling Hills CC) @ 3:30PM
Volleyball @ Pocahontas (against Wynne) 4:30 PM
7th Grade Football - Cancelled for this evening
Junior High Football @ Home (Paragould) 7:00 PM
Friday 9/13/19
Redskins Football @ Paragould 7:00 PM