Lunch: Sub Sandwich, Sandwich Salad Cup, Sweet Potato FF, Fruit and Milk

Congratulations to the JR High Football and Volleyball Teams for winning games last night.

Office Announcements
Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.

*PHS Booster Club is selling Kick-off T-shirts for $12.00.  They may be purchased before and after school in Mrs. Brewington's classroom.

HOMECOMING - September 27th 

Homecoming Dance sponsored by LINK from 9:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Homecoming night. Cost $5.00/person.

Refreshments will be served at no extra cost. 

Homecoming T-Shirts are on sale now until Friday, September 20.  You may pick up your order forms in the library  

  • Theme:  Welcome to the Jungle

  • Spirit Days: 

Monday: Color War - 9th grade: Blue

8th grade: Orange

7th grade: Yellow

Teachers/Staff: Gray

Tuesday: Favorite Sports Day

Wednesday: Galaxy Day

Thursday: Safari Day

Friday: Red and White Day    

*Homecoming mums, pins, and garters are on sale now! Please pick up an order form and place your order.   

Sports News

*Any 9th grader interested in joining the high school swim team, please pick up a folder in the office, complete the forms, and turn them in to the swim coach.  For questions or more information contact

Club News

*Madison Ballard is our new LINK President. Our first meeting will be Friday, Sept. 20th, in the Jr. High gym from 12:10-12:30 at lunch time.
 Anyone interested in being in LINK, please come to the meeting. If you have any questions, talk to Mrs. Cox.

*The last day for 8th and 9th grade students joining FBLA is this, Friday, Sept. 13.  Dues $15

There will be a junior high art club meeting on Sept. 19th at 12:25(the end of lunch) to pick up papers and officer intents. Dues need to be paid by the end of September.  

FFA News

*Reminder to all FFA members that the Fruit and Meat Sale is going on through October 4th

Friday 9/13/19

Redskins Football @ Paragould 7:00 PM