Lunch: Quesadilla, Romaine Salad, Mandarin Oranges, White Beans, Sherbet Pushup and Milk

Office Announcements
Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.

HOMECOMING - September 27th 

Homecoming Dance sponsored by LINK from 9:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Homecoming night. Cost $5.00/person.

Refreshments will be served at no extra cost. 

Homecoming T-Shirts are on sale now until Friday, September 20.  You may pick up your order forms in the library  

  • Theme:  Welcome to the Jungle

  • Spirit Days: 

Monday: Color War - 9th grade: Blue

8th grade: Orange

7th grade: Yellow

Teachers/Staff: Gray

Tuesday: Favorite Sports Day

Wednesday: Galaxy Day

Thursday: Safari Day

Friday: Red and White Day    

*Homecoming mums, pins, and garters are on sale now! Please pick up an order form and place your order.  

****During Homecoming Week students may wear a hat for $1.00 and may also paint their face for $1.00. *** 
Students will be given a different colored wrist band for each day to show they have paid.  
You will pay in the library before school begins.Color arm bands will be:
Monday: Blue
Tuesday: Orange
Wednesday: Yellow
Thursday: Green
Friday: Red

Club News

***Any 9th grade FBLA member that would like to run for an officer position needs to pick up an officer application form from Mrs. Broyles.  Applications need to be returned by Sept. 25th.

*Madison Ballard is our new LINK President. Our first meeting will be Friday, Sept. 20th, in the Jr. High gym from 12:10-12:30 at lunch time.
 Anyone interested in being in LINK, please come to the meeting. If you have any questions, talk to Mrs. Cox.

FFA News 
*FFA Meeting Tuesday September 24th at 4 PM in the Ag Building
*FFA Officer Meeting September 24th at 12:10 in the Ag Building
*The FFA Fruit and Meat Sale Ends October 4th at 3:20 if anyone needs to order fruit or meat please see and FFA member.

Friday 9/20/19

First Link meeting will be Friday, Sept. 20th, in the Jr. High gym from 12:10-12:30 at lunch time.