Lunch: Taco, Seasoned Beans, Lettuce/Tomato/Salsa, Applesauce and Milk
Office Announcements
JR High Picture retakes will be October 7th. Order forms will be sent out Friday with progress reports.
Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.
Sports News
*Golf 4A Girls State Tournament at Harrison Country Club October 1
*Volleyball Brookland Jr. High Tournament at Brookland on October 5
*Any 9-12 boy interested in signing up for baseball needs to sign the sheet in the high school office or the one on Coach Eddington's window.
Club News
***Thanks to all of you who came to the Jr. High dance and supported LINK's fundraiser for Red Ribbon Week materials. We are so grateful! Please remember to join LINK this week, so we can get ready for our teaching at Alma, M.D., and St. Paul. See Mrs. Cox if you have any questions.
**October 5 Izard County Consolidated Quiz Bowl Tournament
FFA News
*The FFA Fruit and Meat Sale Ends October 4th at 3:20 if anyone needs to order fruit or meat please see and FFA member.
Tuesday 10/1/19
Islander Club meeting at 12:10 in the gym.
Cross Country Meet @ Cave City 3:30 PM - Release at 1:30
Volleyball @ Brookland 4:30 PM
Wednesday 10/2/19
Mrs. McCallister will not have Homework Help Sessions on Wednesday (10-2-19)
Thursday 10/3/19
Mrs. McCallister will not have Homework Help Sessions on Thursday (10-3-19)
SWAT - every Thursday 12-12:30 in the library
7th Grade Football @ Westside 5:30 PM
Junior High Football @ Westside 7:00 PM
Friday 10/4/19
LINK meets in the gym on Friday at 12:10. This is an important meeting.
Redskin Football @ Home (Westside) 7:00 PM