Lunch: Buffalo Chicken Loaded Potato, Celery/Carrot Sticks, Crackers, Sidekick Slush and Milk
Office Announcements
The 7th Annual "Belles of Christmas" pageant will be held on November 17th at MDW school gym. Entry forms are available in the office.
Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.
Club News
*Any student that is interested in testing aquatic robots needs to stop by Mr. Steele's room
*The PRIDE team will have a meeting in Mrs. Moffett's room at 12 on Wednesday this week
*Redskins PALSS (formerly known as Circle of Friends) will begin soon! Get your form from Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Throesch or in front of Mrs. Cox's office. You may turn them in to these teachers or to the office.
*October 25 - LINK and community presentation assembly in the gym from 1:00-2:00 p.m.
The first 9 weeks academic assembly will follow the LINK assembly on October 25.
Tuesday 10/22/19
Cross Country @ Joe Mack Campbell Park Jonesboro 4:00 PM - Release @ 1:30 PM
Wednesday 10/23/19
The PRIDE team will have a meeting in Mrs. Moffett's room at 12
Thursday 10/24/19
SWAT - every Thursday 12-12:30 in the library
7th Grade Football @ Home (Trumann) 5:30 PM
Jr. High Football @ Home (Trumann) 7:00 PM
Friday 10/25/19
Link Assembly 1:00 PM
Academic Assembly 2:00 PM
Sr. High Football @ Trumann 7:00 PM