Lunch:  Chicken Stir Fry, Veggies, Rice, Cherry Tomatoes, Spiced Apples and Milk

**Athletic Passes Announcement: Fall athletic passes (football passes, etc) do not work to get into basketball games.  New athletic passes for winter are being completed to be passed out to winter athletes.  

**The Pocahontas Redskins will be hosting the Gravette Lions in the first round of the 2019-2020 football playoffs at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2019 at Schoonover Stadium. Only AAA
passes will be accepted. Local VIP (senior citizen passes), employee passes and student passes cannot be honored at playoff games due to the Arkansas Activities Association (AAA) sponsorship requirements. The admission price, as set by the Arkansas Activities Association,will be $6 for students and adults.

Office Announcements

The GT Nutcracker trip is full. If you want your name on a waiting list in case someone cancels, contact Mrs. Kercheval.   

Starburst is coming!!!  We will be having STARBURST try-outs next month!! Get your act together!  More information to come soon!! 

The 7th Annual "Belles of Christmas" pageant will be held on November 17th at MDW school gym. Entry forms are available in the office.

Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.

FFA News

If you are wanting help with the FFA Christmas parade float please check with Mr Washburn.  

Pocahontas FFA Chapter is collecting used coats, new socks and canned goods for the holidays.  
If you would like to help out please drop your items off at the Agriculture Building. 

New A/V Club

PHS and PJHS are starting an A/V Club.  In this club you will be streaming events that happen on and off campus, sporting events, and a whole lot more.  If you are interested in joining the A/V club, please check you email or fill out this form  

Friday 11/15/19

Football Playoffs @ 7:00 PM - hosting Gravette Lions