Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Brussels Sprouts, Fruit, Hot Roll and Milk
**Athletic Passes Announcement: Fall athletic passes (football passes, etc) do not work to get into basketball games. New athletic passes for winter are being completed to be passed out to winter athletes.
Office Announcements
Starburst has been postponed until the spring.
Students: Make sure your locks are on your lockers and locked. If you're having problems with your lock, please see Mr. Skelton.
PJHS Relay for Life Team is selling chances for a wreath and $200 worth of gift cards. $2 a chance or 6 chances for $10. The winner will be announced Friday afternoon. All proceeds go to our Jr. High Relay for Life Team. If you would like to buy chances you may purchase them at the Junior High School.
FFA News
If you are wanting help with the FFA Christmas parade float please check with Mr Washburn.
Pocahontas FFA Chapter is collecting used coats, new socks and canned goods for the holidays.
If you would like to help out please drop your items off at the Agriculture Building.
New A/V Club
PHS and PJHS are starting an A/V Club. In this club you will be streaming events that happen on and off campus, sporting events, and a whole lot more. This is for 9th -12th grade students. If you are interested in joining the A/V club, please check you email or fill out this form
LINK pizza orders are due Wednesday. Please remember that each LINK member
is asked to sell at least one pizza kit.
Turn your order and money in Wednesday morning to Mrs. Cox
This is a reminder that if you received a NJHS letter, it needs to be returned by Friday (November 22nd) along with $15 dues to Mrs. Bryant. Also, if you would like to run for an office, come by and pick up a form to be filled out.
Tuesday 11/19/19
NO Islander's Club meeting on Tuesday.
Wednesday 11/20/19
Thursday 11/21/19
SWAT - every Thursday 12-12:30 in the library
Friday 11/22/19
NO LINK meeting on Friday.
Sports Schedules:
Football Schedule:
11/22: Football Playoffs - Shiloh Christian School @ Springdale 7:00 PM
Basketball Schedule:
11/21: 7th, JB & SB - Corning @ Home 5:00
Swim Meet Schedule:
11/18: Greene County Tech November Invite in Paragould
11/21: November Invite at Pocahontas