Lunch:  Breakfast for Lunch, Biscuit & Gravy, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Pancakes/Syrup, Tater tots, Juice/Milk. 


NJHS members who wish to attend the induction ceremony on May 5 must dress appropriately (no jeans, shorts, or t-shirts). We will begin at the first bell, so let your teacher know the day before that you will be attending. All members are invited to have refreshments following the ceremony and will be called during first hour after we finish the ceremony. 

Congratulations to Allyson Marlow, Emily McMullin, and Kelcie Ogden on being selected to the Mid-South Honor Band!

Book fair will be open next week during school and during SEGP Conferences.  For every $10.00 spent at the book fair, your name will be entered into a drawing for a grand prize basket filled with book fair goodies to be given away at the end of the fair on Friday.

Track:  Coach Casey will start collecting track uniforms on Monday.  Uniforms should be returned to the Sports Complex. 

Wednesday, April 26th 

2017 ACT Aspire Summative Testing Schedule for PJHS
Wednesday, April 26th - 8th Grade -  (8:00 -11:05 a.m.)

FFA Officer meeting Wednesday at 12:10 to discuss upcoming events.

Redskins Softball vs. Gosnell (District 4A-3)

Thursday, April 27th 

2017 ACT Aspire Summative Testing Schedule for PJHS
Thursday, April 27th  - 7th Grade - (8:00 - 11:30 a.m.)

SEGP Meetings after school from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.  School will be in regular session. 

Friday, April 28th 

2017 ACT Aspire Summative Testing Schedule for PJHS
Friday, April 28th - 7th Grade - (8:00 - 11:05 a.m.)

FFA Members wanting to go to FFA convention need to sign up by April 28th.  Sign up in Mr Washburn's room. 

Saturday, April 29th - 

Mid-South Honor Band @ ASU Fowler Center; Concert @ 7pm 

Sunday, April 30th  - 

Fine Arts Exhibition @ M.D. Williams Intermediate School Gymnasium (2:00 - 4:00) Public Viewing.  Students in grades K-12 will have artwork on display.  

Upcoming Events:

May 1st - Fine Arts Exhibition @ M.D. Williams Intermediate School Gym. (8:00 - 2:30 p.m.) Please feel free to bring your students. 

May 1st - Beginning Band & Senior High Band Concert & Awards @ 6:30 p.m. (MD Williams gym)

May 2nd:  End of Year Choir Concert - PJHS Gym @ 6:00 p.m. 

May 2nd:  NJHS new members meet in the library at 12:15

May 3rd:   FBLA Spring Conference/Awards Nettleton High School

May 5th:  NJHS Induction Ceremony @ 8:00 a.m. 

May 11th:  FFA Banquet.  Jr. High Cafe @ 6:00 p.m. 

May 11th:  LINK/FBLA End of Year Field Trip to Silver Dollar City will be on May 23, 2017.  Cost is $49.75 which includes admission ticket, lunch at Silver Dollar City.  Each student will need to carry extra money for breakfast and supper. Tickets will be ordered and delivered to the school.  Buses will leave at 6:30 a.m. in the morning.  Be at school by 6:00 a.m.  We will be back at school around 10:30 p.m.  Parents need to be here waiting.  This trip is for PHS & PJHS Active LINK members & FBLA.  

May 12th -  FFA Members wanting to attend Arkansas Leadership Camp need to sign up by May 12th.  Sign up in Mr Washburn's room.  

May 12th  - 7th Grade Field Trip to Discovery Park. 

May 15th - Junior High Band Concert & Awards @ 6:30 p.m. (MD Williams gym).

May 15th:  Track & Field Day.  Alternate date is May 22nd.  SpEd. Teachers will receive more information at a later date. 

2nd Semester Testing Schedule:  

May 17th - English/others testing
May 18th - Math Testing
May 19th - Science/SocialStudies Testing

May 23rd - LINK's end of the year trip to Silver Dollar City.

May 24th - PJHS Awards Assembly. 

May 24th - Last Day of School.  

The end of the 2016-2017 school year is quickly approaching.  Our last day of school will be Wednesday, May 24, 2017.  As part of our end of year fiscal process, we must zero out any meal charges.  Therefore, we ask that all meal charges be paid by the last day of school and request that no charges be made after May 1, 2017 if at all possible.  Please contact our central office staff if your child(ren) currently has charges and you need to establish a payment plan to pay off the charges.  We appreciate your assistance with this matter.

Driver's Education Class Sign ups -  Students must have a Driver's Permit in order to take the class.  Only 2 seats available.  First come/first serve.  Must have $200.00 check (check can be dated May 25th) to place name on list and Driver's Permit.  Sign up in PJHS Office.  Classes will be May 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st and June 1st.  (8:00 - 5:00 p.m. )