Lunch: Chicken & Noodles, Steamed broccoli, Carrot coins, Cherry Cobbler, Cranberry sauce and Milk.
Mrs. Phelps will not have any cram sessions this week.
All FFA committee meetings will take place this week at lunch. Please check your times in Mr. Washburn.
(Collection of donations will be extended until Feb. 5th)PHS Student Ambassadors of Randolph County Chamber of Commerce, Ian Allred, Noah Bandy, Braden Lindner, Ty McDonnough, Lacey Moore and Adrian Rutter are collecting donations on behalf of Friends of Pocahontas Animal Control (FOPAC). Please help by bringing in donations of dog food, cat food, litter, collars, blankets, treats etc. for our four legged friends. FOPAC helps animals that are abandoned. They find rescue, foster parents, adoptive parents and vet the animals. Collection boxes are located in front of each Pocahontas School Office. Thank you in advance for your support.
Lady Redskins vs. Westside (7th, JG, SG) Home @ 5:00 p.m.
Redskin Basketball vs. Brookland (8th, JB, SB) Away @ 5:00. Please release the Junior Boys basketball team at 2:45.
Pep Rally - 1st Period around 8:30 a.m. (we will dismissed from office.)
FFA Officer meeting Wednesday and Friday of this week at 12:10 each day.
Redskin Basketball vs. Westside (7th, Jr, Sr) Away @ 5:00 p.m. Release players at 3:00 p.m.
Lady Redskins vs. Gosnell (JG/SG) Home @ 5:00 p.m.
All-Region Concert Band Clinic @ ASU Fowler Center 2 p.m.
All-Region Concert Band Concert @ ASU Fowler Center
Feb. 3rd: The 8th grade GT play has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 3.
Feb. 3rd: Starburst Tryouts at M.D. Williams Gym.
Feb. 4th: Redskins vs. Cave City (JR, SR) Away @ 4:00. Release players at 2:00 p.m.
Feb. 4th: Lady Redskins vs. Cave City (JR, SR).
Feb. 5th: Progress Reports will go home today.
Feb. 13th: FFA Farm Sale will be February 13th starting at 9:00 A.M. at the Peanut Company in East Pocahontas
March 12th: Mrs. Redskin Pageant
March 14th/15th: Starburst Performances
March 15th: PJHS will attend Starburst Performance 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.