Lunch: Spaghetti, Italian Blend, Veggies, Bosco Cheese Stick, Fruit and Milk.
Congratulations to the following FBLA members on winning an award in spring competition:
Jackson Nichols 1st place Computer Concepts
Bradley Baltz 1st place Keyboarding Applications I
Anna Weisenbach 2nd place Business Math
Gary Jackson 3rd place Three Minute Timings
Emily Long 3rd place Manuscripts
Ashlyn Crosby 3rd place FBLA Principles and Procedures
Track Uniforms are due back NOW - Coach Casey
9th GRADERS.....2017-2018 Sophomore Student Council Class Representative Elections will take place Friday during lunch. You may pick up a petition from Coach Brooks anytime. Deadline to turn petitions in are Thursday, May 11. Please see Coach Brooks with any questions.
Monday, May 8th:
Meeting at 12:15 in the Study Hall Room for any student wishing to run for a student council office next year. This meeting is mandatory.
Tuesday, May 9th:
New NJHS inductees, meet with Mrs. Murray in her room at 12:15 on Tuesday, May 9.
9th Graders: If you have signed up for JOURNALISM for NEXT YEAR, we are meeting TUESDAY, MAY 9 at 11:30 - 12:30 to discuss the 2018 yearbook. The current yearbook staff with provide a potluck for us.
Wednesday, May 10th:
NJHS Induction Ceremony @ 8:00 a.m.
NJHS members who wish to attend the induction ceremony on May 10th must dress appropriately (no jeans, shorts, or t-shirts). We will begin at the first bell, so let your teacher know the day before that you will be attending. All members are invited to have refreshments following the ceremony and will be called during first hour after we finish the ceremony.
Thursday, May 11th:
FFA Banquet. Jr. High Cafe @ 6:00 p.m.
NJHS Pizza Lunch.
Last day to turn in Permission Slips and money for LINK/FBLA End of Year Field Trip
Friday, May 12th:
FFA Members wanting to attend Arkansas Leadership Camp need to sign up by May 12th. Sign up in Mr Washburn's room.
7th Grade Field Trip to Discovery Park. Leave: 6:00 a.m. and returning at 5:00 p.m.
FFA member wanting to sign up to go Arkansas Leadership Conference on July 17th-21st the cost will be $62.50 per Member. Please sign up by May 12th and pay by May 19th.
Upcoming Events:
May 15th - All Bands (6th - 12th) Concert & Awards @ 6:30 p.m. (PJHS Gym).
May 15th: Track & Field Day. Alternate date is May 22nd. SpEd. Teachers will receive more
information at a later date.
May 16- All library books are due.
2nd Semester Testing Schedule:
May 17th - English/others testing
May 18th - Math Testing
May 19th - Science/Social Studies Testing
May 22nd - LINK program (12:30 - 3:00)
May 22nd - End of Year Choir Concert - PJHS Gym @ 6:00 p.m.
May 23rd - LINK's end of the year trip to Silver Dollar City.
May 24th - PJHS Awards Assembly. 9:00am - 9th grade - 10:00am -7th and 8th grade @ PJHS Cafeteria
May 24th - Last Day of School.
The end of the 2016-2017 school year is quickly approaching. Our last day of school will be Wednesday, May 24, 2017. As part of our end of year fiscal process, we must zero out any meal charges. Therefore, we ask that all meal charges be paid by the last day of school and request that no charges be made after May 1, 2017 if at all possible. Please contact our central office staff if your child(ren) currently has charges and you need to establish a payment plan to pay off the charges. We appreciate your assistance with this matter.
Driver's Education Class Sign ups - Students must have a Driver's Permit in order to take the class. Only 1 seat available. First come/first serve. Must have $200.00 check (check can be dated May 25th) to place name on list and Driver's Permit. Sign up in PJHS Office. Classes will be May 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st and June 1st. (8:00 - 5:00 p.m. )