Lunch Menu: Chicken Rings, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Mixed Veggies, Fruit, Hot Roll & Milk
Mrs. McCallister will only be able to stay from 3:30 until 4:30 on Thursday afternoon for tutoring. (1-30-20).Mrs. Massey will tutor on Friday of this week
The Sadie Hawkins Dance will be held on February 21 in the Junior High Gym from 6:00-8:30. Admission will be $5.00. Concessions will be available. Only Jr. High students will be allowed to attend. Please see Mrs. Hausman if you have any questions.
PHONE REMINDER: Students phone should be turned OFF during the hours of 8:00am and 3:20 pm unless a teacher approves it for academic purposes only.
EARBUD REMINDER: Students, earbuds fall under the Cellphones/Electronic Device policy. Make sure they are not out between the hours of 8:00 am to 3:20 pm unless a teacher allows it for an academic purpose.
We will be taking club pictures for the yearbook next week. Students in these clubs will need to meet in the gym at 12:15. Below is the schedule:
Wednesday: Islanders Club, Chess, and Quiz Bowl
Thursday: NJHS and SWAT
Friday: FCCLA and FFA
Wellness Day is Tomorrow! Wear some comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. Each grade will have multiple activities that require you to exercise. If there is a problem with you exercising, please see Mrs. Cox and bring a note. This is usually a really fun and active day. Guest speakers will provide activities for you as well. The cafeteria will have fresh fruit and healthy snacks during the morning hours. They are free to eat.
Yearbooks are on sale! The cost is $30.00 and may be purchased in the Jr. High Library. Yearbooks may also be purchased online at
As a fundraiser, Family Career and Community Leaders of America will be selling Val-O-Grams for $10 a piece. Each Val-O-Gram will contain one Crush soda, and a 9x6 bag of gourmet popcorn with your choice of flavor. They will also include a personalized message and be wrapped. You can purchase a Val-O-Gram for their crush, friend, or significant other. Only order one Val-O-Gram per form. For more forms contact an FCCLA member, your school office, or see Mrs. Bradley or Mrs. Lynch. All Val-O-Grams will be delivered on Valentines day. All orders must be received by February 7th. Any orders sent after the 7th will be marked Return to Sender. Help support the PHS FCCLA in their efforts to raise money for their organization by purchasing a Val-O-Gram!
Miss Redskin Pageant: The Miss Redskin Pageant in March 7, 2020. Application forms are in all school offices. Deadline is March 2nd. Contact Kim Nead at the junior high if you have any questions.
Quiz Bowl:
February 8 State Junior Quiz Bowl @ ASU Beebe
There will be an FFA week and farm sale committee meeting Thursday of this week.
Any FFA Members needing to purchase an FFA Jacket please see Mr Washburn by Friday of this week.
Track & Field:
Track practice for grades 7-12 will start Monday, Feb 3. Practice will last from 3:30 - 4:45.Students must have an athletic physical in order to participate.
Esports Spring Season 2020 kicks off preseason on Feb. 4. If you would like to play League of Legends in a competitive atmosphere, come see us. Our League of Legends team has secured top 16 in the state playoffs for two consecutive seasons.
Redskin PALSS:
Redskins PALSS will meet on Mondays during lunch in the library.
SWAT meets on Thursdays @ 12:00 in the Library
LINK/SWAG will teach on February 26, 2020 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at Alma Spikes and M.D. Williams.
Spring Conference Feb. 5th at Nettleton Performing Arts Center
7th and 8th grade that signed up to play baseball need to pay the remainder of their dues to Coach Eddington by the 15th
1/30: 7th grade Girls, JG, SG @ Home (Valley View) 5:00 PM
1/31: JB, SB @ Valley View 6:00