Lunch menu:  Spaghetti, Seasoned Green Beans, Romaine Salad, Fruit, Garlic Hot Roll & Milk

Attention! Students, please make sure that your phone is muted during breakfast (7:00-7:50) or you are listening to things on your phone through earbuds/headphones. If we can hear it, it's too loud.

----No GT Today.

Spring Picture Day will be March 4th.  Pamphlets will be sent out today with progress reports.

Redskin Esports is looking for a Streamer/Video Content Producer and a Social Media Specialist (Two separate positions) to join our program. Must be punctual, reliable, and dedicated. Must be available Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30pm - 6pm. Experience preferred. Will conduct lunch interviews.  To apply or request additional information, email

PHONE REMINDER: Students phone should be turned OFF during the hours of 8:00am and 3:20 pm unless a teacher approves it for academic purposes only.

EARBUD REMINDER: Students, earbuds fall under the Cellphones/Electronic Device policy. Make sure they are not out between the hours of 8:00 am to 3:20 pm unless a teacher allows it for an academic purpose.  

The Starburst talent show is having auditions MARCH 3RD AND 4TH after school at THE PJHS GYM.  Pick up an application in the school offices and  BRING IT WITH YOU TO TRY-OUTS.  Do not turn it into the office.  Talk to Mrs. Nead for more information.  

The library will be closed after school this week.

Miss Redskin Pageant: The Miss Redskin Pageant is March 7, 2020.  Application forms are in all school offices.  Deadline is March 2nd.  Contact Kim Nead at the junior high if you have any questions.  

The Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports Program with the Arkansas Game & Fish has dropped off a participation form for anyone that might be interested in the Shooting Sports program. If students are interested you may drop by the office to pick up a form to register.

Tutoring Announcements:
Mrs. Massey will not be tutoring this week.


CCM practice will be every Wednesday* from 12:00 - 12:30. This practice will continue until District contest in April.  

Islander's Club:

The Island Club will start having practices every Tuesday in the Jr. High gym at 12:10 to 12:30. Please come prepared to work on your dances and songs for Culture Fest.  Attendance will be taken. 

Redskin PALSS:

Redskins PALSS will meet on Mondays during lunch in the library.


SWAT meets on Thursdays @ 12:00 in the Library