Lunch: Ham Slice, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Carrot coins, Tropical Fruit, Roll and Milk.
Good luck to the PJHS Quiz Bowl team as they compete in the AGQBA state championship tomorrow! Go Redskins!
Please check with lost/found if you have any items, jackets, binders that are missing.
Yearbooks go on sale. Cost is $25. Purchase in the library. Sales end March 11th.
Mrs. Hausman will be taking Tennis pictures and OM team pictures on Friday.
Friday-February 19--The PJHS Quiz Bowl team will leave for Morrilton right after school.

ACT Aspire Practice Testing
Saturday, February 20--state Quiz Bowl in Morrilton
Upcoming Events:
National FFA Week will be February 20th-27th. Dress Themes Days are just for FFA Members only
Feb. 24th: 7th and 8th Grade FFA Presentation - 1st hour.
Feb. 25th: 8th Grade Tours of the Agriculture Building/Shop/Barn during Science Class.
Feb. 26th: F5 Rotations end.
Feb. 29th: F6 Rotations begin.
March 1st - Spring Pictures. Order forms will go home on Feb. 24th. Order forms and money must be presented at the time of pictures.
March 8th: Qtr 3 Testing: English/Others
March 9th: Qtr 3 Testing: Science/Social Studies
March 10th: Qtr 3 Testing: Math
March 11th: End of Qtr 3 - Make up day for testing.
March 12th: Mrs. Redskin Pageant. Registration forms are available in the office or with Mrs. Nead. The deadline is March 4th.
March 14th/15th: Starburst Performances
March 15th: PJHS will attend Starburst Performance 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
March 18th: Qtr 3 Report Cards go home.
March 21st - 25th: Spring Break