Lunch: Catfish, Cole Slaw, Pinto beans, Peaches, Cornbread and Milk.


Yearbooks go on sale. Cost is $25. Purchase in the library. Sales end March 11th.

National FFA Week will be February 20th-27th. Dress Themes Days are just for FFA Members only



Picture Order forms are going home today with students.

7th and 8th Grade FFA Presentation - 1st hour. Students are to report to class for attendance and then go to M.D. Williams Gym for Presentation. Teachers, please escort and stay with students during presentation.


Fire Drill - 1st Hour

8th Grade Tours of the Agriculture Building/Shop/Barn during Science Class.


F5 Rotations end.

Upcoming Events:

Feb. 29th: F6 Rotations begin.

March 1st - Spring Pictures. Order forms will go home on Feb. 24th. Order forms and money must be presented at the time of pictures.

March 7th - Band Concert Festival @ M.D. Williams - Time TBA

March 8th: Qtr 3 Testing: English/Others

March 9th: Qtr 3 Testing: Science/Social Studies

March 10th: Qtr 3 Testing: Math

March 11th: End of Qtr 3 - Make up day for testing.

March 10/11 TBA - All-Region Concert Band - Jonesboro

March 11th: Wellness Day - all day.

March 12th: Mrs. Redskin Pageant. Registration forms are available in the office or with Mrs. Nead. The deadline is March 4th.

March 14th/15th: Starburst Performances

March 15th: PJHS will attend Starburst Performance 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

March 17 - 24 - PHS Band Orlando Trip

March 18th: Qtr 3 Report Cards go home.

March 21st - 25th: Spring Break