Lunch:   Taco, Refried Beans, Lettuce/Tomato/Salsa, Applesauce, Milk


Duty teachers - band students currently have permission to come to the band room at lunch, as they have a project due.  We'll let you know when they'll need individual notes again.

Thank you!

Tuesday, August 15th

Volleyball Jr. High Jamboree (Home) (Jr. A) TBA 

Golf @ Gosnell 3:30 p.m. (Boys/Girls) @ 3:30 p.m. 

Thank you!

Wednesday, August 16th

Thursday, August 17th

There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, August 17th at 7:30 am in the athletic complex for all 9th graders interested in joining the high school swim team.  The high school swim season is from November until February.

Friday, August 18th

Enrollment forms are due back to the office today. 

Upcoming Events

The FFA Back to School Cook-Out will be August 22nd at the Pocahontas Aquatic Center from 5-7 Pm 

 Aug. 28th - Fire Drill - 1st Period

The Randolph County Fair will be August 28th-September 2nd.  

Delta State Fair will be September 4th-10th.

The annual FFA Fruit and Meat Sale will start September 5th and end the 29th of September if you want to buy fruit or meat please see an FFA Adviser or and FFA member on these dates.  

The First FFA meeting will be September 14th at 4 pm in the Agriculture Building.