Lunch: Calzone, Italian Veggies, Marinara Sauce, Green Salad, Lite Ranch Dressing, Fruit and Milk
The library will be open after school until 4:30 for students who need to use computers, work on group projects, or need homework help.
Students, several Internet Agreements have not been returned to the office. These need to be turned in by Wednesday morning or you will be disconnected from use. If all forms are not retuned by Wednesday we will start ISS.
Duty teachers - band students currently have permission to come to the band room at lunch, as they have a project due. We'll let you know when they'll need individual notes again.
PHS Booster Club has some Kick-off tshirts to sell. They are $10 each. You can purchase them in Mrs Brewington's classroom at MD Williams.
Friday 8/25/17
Progress Reports are going home today and available on Home Access Center (HAC). If lost or misplaced, the office will not be reprinting Progress Reports.
Mrs. Kercheval is not here today. Students should not be going to her room at lunch.
Sr Football vs Valley View (scrimmage) 7:00pm Home
Admission will be $4.00 a person. ONLY passes that will be honored are AAA passes. No staff or student passes will be honored.
Monday 8/28/17
Fire Drill 1st hour
Golf-@ Cooper's Hawk (Batesville Southside) @ 1:00pm B, G
Realse students @ 10:45am
Volleyball vs. Piggott @ Home @ 4:30pm
Tuesday 8/29/17
Golf-@ Gosnell @ 3:30pm JVB, JVG
Release students @ 12:45pm
Tennis vs. Highland away @ 4:00pm
Wednesday 8/30/17
There will be a meeting at 12:15PM in the library for anyone in grades 7, 8 and 9 who wish to run for Student Council Representative.
Thursday 8/31/17
Picture Day
Golf-@ Sage Meadows (Brookland) @ 3:30pm B, G
Realease students @1:30pm
Volleyball vs. CRA away @ 4:30pm
JR Football vs Nettelon @ Home @ 7:00pm
Upcoming Events:
LINK has a very important meeting on Friday, September 1st, in the Junior High gym starting at 12:10 p.m. All students that are interested in joining LINK/PRIDE/COALITION, please attend this short 20 minute meeting. This first meeting will include high school and junior high school students. Calley Shore will be here and plans on giving out really cool prizes to everyone that signs up to be part of the Randolph County Coalition. LINK/PRIDE members are joining up with the Coalition to make a bigger impact on Pocahontas. Mrs. Cox will be your LINK/PRIDE sponsor this year at both the high school and junior high school.
The Randolph County Fair will be August 28th-September 2nd.
Delta State Fair will be September 4th-10th.
The annual FFA Fruit and Meat Sale will start September 5th and end the 29th of September if you want to buy fruit or meat please see an FFA Adviser or and FFA member on these dates.
The First FFA meeting will be September 14th at 4 pm in the Agriculture Building.