Lunch: Beans & Ham, Mixed greens, Quick Baked Potato, Cornbread, Strawberry/banana cup and Milk
8th grade Football games on 9/11, 9/18 and 10/2 have been cancelled.
Mrs. Shelton's 7th grade Rotation 2 needs to bring a 2-pocket folder with clasps, dividers, and a no. 2 pencil by the 2nd day of their new rotation. Please get supplies as soon as possible.
Activity Rotation F1 will end this Friday, Sept. 15th.
Activity Rotation F2 will begin on Monday, Sept. 18th.
Activity Rotation F2 class list will be posted by Wednesday, Sept. 13th.
Week of September 11th-15th
Tuesday 9/12/17
7th grade girls basketball team go to Coach Harper's Classroom 2nd hour
Golf @ Highland (Cherokee Village North) 18 holes @ 1:30pm Release @ 11:30
Tennis vs Westside @ Home @ 4:00pm
Volleyball vs Highland Away @ 4:30pm 7th, Jr B/A Sr B/A
Please release all volleyball players immediately following 6th hour to travel to Highland. The bus will leave at 2:45.
Wednesday 9/13/17
Student Council meeting at 12:10 in the library.
Thursday 9/14/17
Golf-@ Home vs (Marmaduke, Westside) @ 3:30pm B, G
Volleyball vs. Walnut Ridge Away @ 4:30pm 7th, Jr. B/A Sr. B/A
JR Football vs Westside Away @ 7:00pm
Tennis vs Harrisburg/Brookland @ Home @ 4:00pm
Friday 9/15/17
Progress Reports will be sent home Friday, Sept. 15th with students. Math teachers will hand out progress reports. Progress Reports will also be available on HAC.
Redskin Football vs Osceola @ Home @7:00pm
Week of September 18th-22nd
Monday 9/18/17
Golf-Girls District Tournament @ Home @ 9:00am
Tennis-vs Corning @ Home @ 4:00pm
Club News
LINK is selling homecoming mums, garters, and buttons. Order forms are on the red table outside Mrs. Cox's office.
LINK is sponsoring the Jr. High Homecoming Dance on Sept. 29, in the Jr. High cafeteria. Cost is $4.00 each. Refreshments will be sold. Any profit made from the mum sales or dance will go toward purchasing teaching materials for Red Ribbon Week.
First Teen Leader's Meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 3:30 pm -5:00 pm in the Jr. High Student Center. Anyone interested in the 4-H programs needs to attend this after school meeting. If you have a practice that Wednesday try to at least come by before 5:00 p.m., so Mrs. Cally can give you some information.
PRIDE team tryouts will be announced soon.
LINK dues and sign ups are due before Oct. 1, 2017.
LINK's first Happy Birthday party will be Friday, Sept. 22, at lunch in the student center. If you had a birthday in July, August, or September, this is your time for cake, soda, and candy. LINK is proud you were born!
8th and 9th grade students joining FBLA dues must be paid by Sept. 20. Conference registration fee $6.00 is due by Friday, Sept. 22.
FFA Members who have singed up and 9th Grade FFA members wanting to be on leadership teams there will be a meeting at lunch next Tuesday 9/12/17
9th grade girls interested in being part of the #STEMinist will have a working lunch in the library on Friday, September 15. Grab your lunch and bring a pen or pencil!
NJHS members, dues are $15 and will be accepted by Mrs. Blanchard or Mrs. Murray September 11 through September 29.
The annual FFA Fruit and Meat Sale will start September 5th and end the 29th of September if you want to buy fruit or meat please see an FFA Adviser or and FFA member on these dates.
There will be an FFA Officer Meeting on Wednesday September 13th at lunch.
The First FFA meeting will be September 14th at 4 pm in the Agriculture Building.
$10 Youth Small-Adult XL $12 2XL & 3XL
BASEBALL STYLE SHIRT (White w/Red sleeves)
$15 Youth Small-Adult XL $17 2XL & 3XL
There are order forms in the JR High office to purchase. They will be on sale 9/11/17 through 9/20/17.