Lunch: Cheeseburger, Sweet Potato French Fries, Sandwish Salad cup, Fruit,and Milk
Spirit ribbons will be on sale in the library on Fridays throughout Football Season. Ribbons may be purchased before school for $1.00 in the library
Volunteers Needed! This Saturday Sept 30, Special Olympics is hosting unified (special needs athletes and non disabled athletes) softball games at the Pocahontas softball fields. If you are interested, see Mrs. Holt.
Students who drive to school and park on campus, must have a Driver's Permission Form on file in the PJHS Office.
October 9-JR High Picture Retakes in the a.m.
Week of September 25th-29th
Students are allowed to do face paint and hats for spirit week but don't forget to pay your $1.00 to Mrs. Hausman for Student Council fundraiser before school starts.
NO clubs will meet in the library at lunch this week.
Thursday 9/28/17
Neon Day
Jr Football vs Harrisburg Away @7:00pm
7th grade Football vs Harrisburg Away @5:30pm 7th grade football players will need to be released at 3:00PM
Tennis-District tri Match @ Jonesboro @4:00pm
Friday 9/29/17
Students being checked out for coronation must have adult supervision while on the high school or junior high school campus. Students are not to be on either campus by themselves. If another parent/guardian is signing a student out, then the student must have a signed permission slip from their parent/guardian. We will not accept phone calls from parents giving permission that day.
Red and White Day
Homecoming Queen and her court @ 6:30pm
Football vs Harrisburg @ Home @ 7:00pm
There is a change in the LINK Homecoming Dance Announcements:The student body voted to charge $5.00 for the dance and NOT charge anything extra for snacks and drinks. You do not have to dress up to come to the dance. You voted to have activities, board games, and a movie as part of the entertainment if you do not dance. We are asking every student to come Friday night. The doors open to the dance at 9:00 p.m. and the last song will be at 11:00 p.m.
Club News
If you are interested in getting together a team and doing eCybermission, please let Mrs. Phelps know. If you would like to know more, I can arrange a meeting with the girls who competed before and won 1st place in state. They are the only team from Pocahontas to ever compete!
LINK dues and sign ups are due before Oct. 1, 2017.
NJHS members, dues are $15 and will be accepted by Mrs. Blanchard or Mrs. Murray September 11 through September 29.
The annual FFA Fruit and Meat Sale will start September 5th and end the 29th of September if you want to buy fruit or meat please see an FFA Adviser or and FFA member on these dates .
FFA Fruit and Meat sale Money and flyer will be due on Tuesday October 3rd.
Any FFA member wanting to go to Pumpkin Hollow need to sign up for this trip by October 4th in Mr. Washburn's Room.