Lunch:  Waffelicious Wednesday, Chicken Tenders, Waffle, Syrup, Waffle Fries, Mandrarin Oranges and Milk                  

Mrs Cox is not here today.

7th grade Rotation 3  for Mrs Shelton's art classs need to start purchasing their 2- pocket clasp folder, a package of dividers, and a number 2 pencil for the new rotation. All students should have these supplies by the 2nd day of the new rotation. 

The library will be closed AFTER school MondayTuesday and Thursday.

Any 9th grade FBLA member that would like to be an officer will need to see Mrs. Broyles by Friday.

Spirit ribbons will be on sale in the library on Fridays throughout Football Season.  Ribbons may be purchased before school for $1.00 in the library

Students who drive to school and park on campus, must have a Driver's Permission Form on file in the PJHS Office. 

October 9-JR High Picture Retakes in the a.m. 

Week of October 2nd-6th 


Wednesday 10/4/17

If we get 25 people paid, we will take a pep bus to Brookland  night.  The cost is $3 to ride the bus.  Students will be required to bring $2 admission to the game and pay at the gate when we arrive.  If you want to ride the pep bus, please pay $3 to Mrs. Nead by the end of lunch today. 

Mrs. McCallister will not have tutoring on Wednesday, October 4.

Student council members need to come by the library sometime today to pick up shirts.

FBLA members need to see Mrs. Broyles at lunch in front of Mrs. Cox's office today to pick up permission slips for Fall Conference (Oct. 11) and sign up for officer positions.

Thursday 10/5/17

There will be an FFA Meeting Thursday at 4 PM in the Agriculture Building

Jr Football vs Brookland Away @ 7:00pm

Volleyball at Izard County Consolidated (Away) at 4:30 

Friday 10/6/17

Football vs Brookland @ Home @ 7:00pm

Saturday 10/7/17

Band - Midsouth Classic Marching Contest.

Club News

NJHS Members, a number of you still haven't paid dues.  Please take care of this immediately, or you will be dropped.

Any FFA Member wanting to show animals in the spring or fall needs to see Mr. Washburn by October 31st.  

Any FFA member wanting to go to Pumpkin Hollow need to sign up for this trip by October 4th in Mr. Washburn's Room.