Lunch: Pizza, Romaine Salad, Lite Ranch, Oranges/Apples. Sherbet and Milk
7th grade Rotation 3 for Mrs. Shelton's art classs need to start purchasing their 2- pocket clasp folder, a package of dividers, and a number 2 pencil for the new rotation. All students should have these supplies by the 2nd day of the new rotation.
Any 9th grade FBLA member that would like to be an officer will need to see Mrs. Broyles by Friday.
Spirit ribbons will be on sale in the library on Fridays throughout Football Season. Ribbons may be purchased before school for $1.00 in the library
Students who drive to school and park on campus, must have a Driver's Permission Form on file in the PJHS Office.
October 9-JR High Picture Retakes in the a.m.
Week of October 2nd-6th
Thursday 10/5/17
There will be an FFA Meeting Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Agri Building
The library will be closed AFTER school today 10/5/17.
Volleyball vs ICC @4:30pm Away 7th, Jr B/A, Sr B/A
Please release all Jr High and Sr. High volleyball players at 1:45 today to travel to ICC. The bus will leave at 2:00pm. Thank you.
Pep Bus will load in the front of Jr High at 4:45pm and leave promptly at 5:00pm. Should be home approx. 10:00pm. Don't forget your $2.00 to get into the game and money if you want concessions.
7th grade Football @5:30pm
We need the 7th grade football players released at 3 this afternoon
Jr Football vs Brookland Away @ 7:00pm
Friday 10/6/17
Progress Reports will go home today. English teachers will be handing out during class. This is the last Progress Report before Report Cards.
Football vs Brookland @ Home @ 7:00pm
Club News
NJHS Members, a number of you still haven't paid dues. Please take care of this immediately, or you will be dropped.
Any FFA Member wanting to show animals in the spring or fall needs to see Mr. Washburn by October 31st.
Any FFA member wanting to go to Pumpkin Hollow need to sign up for this trip by October 4th in Mr. Washburn's Room.