Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese, Cranberry sauce, California vegies, Cherry tomatoes, Peaches, Hot Roll and Milk.
Congratulations to: Gabby Archer (3rd w/her market pig); Destiny Smith (2nd and 6th in class and made the finals of Jr. Showmanship); Jessica Green (First and Grand Commercial Gilt); Allie Barnes (Fifth with her breeding goat)
9th Grade: Any student interested in running the St. Jude's Half Marathon in Memphis next December please come see Mrs. Baty before Wednesday
Driver's Education Class: Driver's Ed will be offered at PJHS on May 26th, 27th, 31st, June 1st and 2nd from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (one hour break for lunch - lunch is not provided). Students will earn 0.5 elective Credit upon completion of class. In order to be placed on the list for driver's ed a student must have their Driver's Permit and a check in the amount of $200.00 (check will not be deposited until the first day of class). 6 seats available
Mrs. Massey will not have tutoring today after school.
LINK members need to go by Mrs. Cox's office at lunch to vote and to receive information about Thursday's Town Hall Meeting.
Discovery Park of America Field Trip Permission Slips/Money - due today.
There will be an FFA officer candidate meeting at 12:10.
Any current agriculture students and 8th grade students wanting to show an animal for the upcoming summer and fall show seasons need to sign up by April 12th.
Lady Redskins vs Westside (DH) at Westside… Tuesday's game with westside starts at 4:30. Release time is 2:15.
Redskins vs Westside (V 7/7) 4:00 at Westside… Please release baseball players at 1:45 to go to Westside. Players MUST go to 6th hour and be dismissed by their teacher or by all-call.
Wellman Jr High Relays… Release track members at 2:45
The FFA Chapter heads to State Contest April 13th-15th please wish them luck.
Free Sports Physicals will be April 13th at 3:30 in the athletic complex.
All students and staff are invited to the Cornerstone Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, April 14th at 5:00 p.m. for a silent auction or at 6:00 p.m. for the Cornerstone students to make their presentation.This is one of LINK's alcohol and drug free prevention awareness meetings.
Wellman Sr High Relays… Release track members at 2:30
Redskin Cheerleading practices begin today.
Lady Redskins vs GCT (V/JV) 4:00 at GCT… Release players at 1:45
Redskins vs Armorel (V 7/5) 4:30 at Armorel… Release players at TBA
April 15th/16th: Band Solo Ensembles (Grades 7-12)
Lady Redskins @ Marmaduke Classic
Project Graduation Redskin Dash 5K @ 8:00. Early registrations $25.00/Day of race $30.00.
Pre-register online at .
Upcoming Events:
April 17th - Pocahontas Public Schools Fine Arts Exhibition
April 18th: FFA Officer Forum with speeches and questions will take place April 18th at Lunch and during 5th hour today.
April 19th: FFA Elections for the 2015-2016 FFA officers will take place April 19th.
April 25th/26th: 9th Grade ACT Aspire.
April 27th/28th: 8th Grade ACT Aspire.
April 26th: SEGP 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Students have early dismissal)
April 28th: SEGP 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
May 2nd/3rd: 7th Grade ACT Aspire
May 5th: Seventh grade GT will present Project Fair
May 5 FBLA Awards, Nettleton
May 6th: The Pocahontas FFA Banquet will be May 6th at 6 Pm in the Jr. High Cafeteria.
May 13th: 7th Grade Field Trip to Discovery Park
May 18th: 9th Grade Field Trip to BRTC - College Day.
May 19th: Semester Testing - Math
May 20th: Semester Testing - English
May 23rd: Semester Testing - Social Studies/others
May 19th: Jr. High Band Concert and Awards
May 24th: LINK Silver Dollar City Field Trip
May 25th - 27th - World OM in Iowa
May 25th: 8th Grade Blanchard Springs Field Trip.
May 26th: Last Day of School - Report Card Pick up day.
May 26th - June 2nd: Driver's Education Class.