Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese, California Veggies, Cherry Tomatoes, Peach Slices, Roll and Milk.
It’s Hot Roll Time!!! Place orders by November 8th - place orders with any building cafeteria. This is an annual fundraiser to help needy families in our school district.
Junior High is collecting soda can pop tabs to support the Ronald McDonald House and Children's Hospital. Our goal is to fill three jugs before Christmas Break. As an incentive, if we meet our goal, we will be given an old fashioned movie day in the gym with concessions. Please bring your can tabs to the library to support this great cause.
Wednesday Nov 1st
There will be an FFA Officer meeting Wednesday at 12:10 to discuss upcoming events
Student council and LINK officers will have a working lunch on Wednesday.
Thursday Nov 2nd
Builderś Group will meet at lunch
Friday Nov 3rd
IMPORTANT LINK meeting Friday at 12:10 in the gym. Please be there!
Football vs. Westide @ Home @ 7:00pm
Cross Country State Track Meet @ Hot Springs
Club News
November 4 Quiz Bowl Invitational at Greene County Tech
November 11 Quiz Bowl Camp at Greene County Tech
LINK's Little Caesars' Pizza Kits will go on sale Friday. You may place and order with a LINK/PRIDE member or order online.
Upcoming Events:
Nov 16th-Faculty vs Student Body Volleyball
Nov. 16th - 5 Week (2nd Qtr) Progress Reports will go home with Students
Nov 17th-2nd hour Veteran's Program/Don't forget to bring a Veteran to school
Students tell your teacher if you are going to bring a veteran to school on the morning of the 17th. Then your teacher can email me their name so I can contact them and give them more information.
Nov 17th-Wellness Afternoon-Dress ready to learn and exercise -- that means tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.
Nov. 20th - 24th - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2nd - Jr. High All Regions - Greene County Tech
Dec. 8th - Spelling Bee (Period 2) 8th Grade Students
Dec. 8th - Spelling Bee (Period 3) 7th Grade Students