Lunch: Chicken & Noodles, Steamed broccoli, Carrot coins, Spiced apples, Cookie/Crackers, Cranberry sauce and Milk.
Jr. High Track Members need to turn in uniforms to Coach Chester in Complex or Coach Harper in her classroom.
Dr. Grandin is coming to ASU May 7th if you would like information please see Mr. Washburn.
Book Fair will be set up in the library this week. Please come in and shop with us! Open til 6:00 p.m. during SEGP on Tuesday and Thursday.
Driver's Education Class: Driver's Ed will be offered at PJHS on May 26th, 27th, 31st, June 1st and 2nd from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (one hour break for lunch - lunch is not provided). Students will earn 0.5 elective Credit upon completion of class. In order to be placed on the list for driver's ed a student must have their Driver's Permit and a check in the amount of $200.00 (check will not be deposited until the first day of class). 2 seats available
5th and 6th period boys basketball should report to the student center with books today.
Important Student Council meeting today at 12:10 in the library.
There will be no Cornerstone meeting after school today. Next Thursday will be the next meeting.
FFA: $1 is due today if you plan on attending the banquet, we need to get a count of people that are coming.
4A-3 Sr High Track Conference… Dismiss track members at 11:20 to Senior High Cafeteria.
Pocahontas Public Schools will conduct “Student Education and Graduation Program” (SEGP) conferences for students in grades seven-(7) through eleven-(11) only on Thursday, April 28, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Parents of students at Pocahontas Junior High School and Pocahontas High School are encouraged to meet with their child’s advisor at the agreed upon scheduled time. There will not be an early dismissal today. School will let out at normal time of 3:20.
Golf: There will be a meeting, in Mr. Hausman's classroom, with anybody (Grades 8-11) interested in playing on the golf team next year.
Redskins vs Batesville (V 7/5) SENIOR DAY 4:30 at Home… Release players TBA…
April 29th - 30th - Project Graduation Basketball Tournament
Upcoming Events:
April 25th/26th: 9th Grade ACT Aspire.
April 25th: Meet at 3:00pm with our SEGP kids to pass out reminders, go over times, and assign for those that still need one. We will dismiss from office.
April 27th - 8th Grade Permission Slip and money - due today.
April 26th: SEGP 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Students have early dismissal)
April 28th: SEGP 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
May 2nd/3rd: 7th Grade ACT Aspire
May 5th: Seventh grade GT will present Project Fair
May 5th: FBLA Awards, Nettleton
May 6th: National Honor Society induction ceremony - PJHS Library @ 8:00 a.m. NJHS Members, the induction ceremony is MAY 6. We will begin ASAP when the morning bell rings. If you want to attend, you may, but you must dress appropriately (no jeans, no shorts, no t-shirts). ALL members are invited to the reception afterward. You do not have to dress up if you are only attending the reception. It usually takes all of first hour and most of second as well.
May 6th: The Pocahontas FFA Banquet will be May 6th at 6 Pm in the Jr. High Cafeteria.
May 11th: Silver Dollar City Permission Slip and Money - due today.
May 13th: 7th Grade Field Trip to Discovery Park - Departing at 6:00 a.m. Return at 5:00 p.m.
May 17th NJHS Pizza Party
May 17 during lunch AND 5th hour
We will provide the pizza to members, but you need to bring your own drink.We also need people to sign up to bring other goodies. Please see Mrs. Murray to sign up.
May 18th: 9th Grade Field Trip to BRTC - College Day.
May 19th: Semester Testing - Math
May 20th: Semester Testing - English/others
May 23rd: Semester Testing - Social Studies/Science
May 19th: Jr. High Band Concert and Awards
May 24th: LINK/FBLA Silver Dollar City Field Trip - Be at school at 6:00 a.m. Return at 10:30 p.m.
May 25th: Region Ready Band Club Trip.
May 25th - 27th - World OM in Iowa
May 25th: 8th Grade Blanchard Springs Field Trip. Depart at 7:00 a.m. Return at 4:30 p.m.
May 26th: Last Day of School - Report Card Pick up day.
May 26th - June 2nd: Driver's Education Class.