LUNCH   Taco Tuesday-Taco, Refried Beans, Lettuce, Tomato, Salsa, Applesauce and Milk


Yearbooks are on sale until February 2. The cost is $30. Checks can be made to PJHS. Purchase in the library. 

Junior High is collecting soda can pop tabs to support the Ronald McDonald House and Children's Hospital...even though we met our goal please keep bringing them in to help ACH

7th grade students going to Mrs. Shelton's Art Rotation 5 starting on 1/22/18 need to purchase a 2-pocket folder with clasps, set of 5 dividers, and notebook paper for the first week of the rotation.

The 2018 Miss Redskin Pageant has been scheduled for march 10th.  Forms are available in the office,  Deadline for entry is Monday, March 5th. 

FFA Members if you need to order an FFA Jacket you have until Thursday 2/1/18 to bring your money for the jacket.

This semester Mrs. Phelps will not be tutoring after school, unless it is a scheduled cram session for a test.  Her students may stay with Mrs. McCallister Mon-Thur for tutoring.  Mrs. Phelps is available Mon-Thur before school.

Tuesday 1/23

GirlsTrack meeting in the JR High gym at 12:15

National FFA week planning @ 12:05pm

8th grade GT presents Shakespeare's Twelfth Night @ MDW

Redskins Basketball vs Cave City @ Home game order-JG, SG, JB, SB @4:00pm

Wednesday 1/24

Quiz Bowl Tournament @ Co-Op

Mrs. Massey will NOT have tutoring today.

Thursday 1/25

Farm Sale meeting @ 12:05pm

FFA Meeting & Chili/Wild Game Cook-off 5-6:30pm 

Friday 1/26

Redskin Basketball @ Melbourne game order-JG, SG, JB, SB @4:00pm (dismiss JG & SG @ 1:30pm dismiss JB @ 2:50pm)


Jan 27-Quiz Bowl invitational @ Brookland
Jan 29-Fire Drill 6th hour
Feb 1-State Proficiencey Applications are due by 3:20pm
Feb 3-Junior High District Basketball  tournament:  $4.00 adults/$3.00 student.  No AAA passes.  No Student or Local Passes accepted. 
Feb 15-State Famer Degree Applications due by 3:20pm
Feb 3-Regional quiz Bowl Tournament @ Trumann
Feb 17-24-National FFA Week
Feb 17-FFA Farm Sale

April 16- PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 7th/8th GradeApril 17 - PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 7th/8th Grade
April 18- PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 9th Grade. 
April 19- PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 9th Grade. 
April 20 - PJHS ACT Aspire Make Up Day