LUNCH: Taco Tuesday Walking taco, Lettuce/Tomato, Salsa, Refried Beans, Cinnamon Roll, Applesauce and Milk

Band room is closed at lunch until further notice. 


Any girl interested in trying out for girls basketball needs to go speak with Coach Harper.

Yearbooks are on sale until 2/23/18 in the PJHS Library. The cost is $30.00. Make checks out to PJHS. 

Driver’s Education will be offered at PJHS for students at PJHS and PHS on the following dates: Tuesday 5/29, Wednesday 5/30, Thursday 5/31, Friday 6/1 and Saturday 6/2 (and/or Monday 6/4). 8:00am-5:00pm with an hour lunch break. Only 15 seats available. You must have drivers permit and $200.00 paid to the PJHS office to be placed on the list. Checks should be dated 5/29/18 and will be deposited the first day of class. Please see Mrs. Bandy in the PJHS office. 

2018 Miss Redskin Pageant has been scheduled fir March 10th. Forms are available in the office. Deadline for entry is Monday 3/5/18

Do you have talent?!? Sing? Dance? Play an instrument? If so? Try out for STARBURST! It is a music and variety show for Pocahontas students of all ages. Try outs will be after school on 2/26 and 2/28 in the PJHS Gym. Certain spots are limited. Information/applications are available in the school offices. Do not return the paper to your teacher bring it to your tryout. Call Kim Nead at PJHS for questions. 

7th grade rotation 6 Mrs. Shelton’s art class needs to bring a 2 pocket folder with clasps, dividers, loose leaf paper, and a no.2 pencil by the second day of their new rotation. Please get supplies as soon as possible. 

Our Pride team is looking for sponsors that can help them go to the PRIDE conference this year and perform. PRIDE team members will also be selling Hijinks coupon cards and Sonic coupon cards to help raise the money. Please let Mrs Cox know if you know of a company or business that can help us. 

Tuesday 2/20/18

Wednesday 2/21/18

Thursday 2/22/18

Friday 2/23/18

Upcoming Events:

Feb 23-Link Happy Birthday Party(Nov, Dec & Jan) 
Feb 24-State Jr Quiz Bowl @ Harding University in Searcy
Feb 27-Pacific Islanders Club meeting @ 12:15 in PJHS gym 
March 7-9:00am-1:30pm BRTC day for 9th graders 
March 16-PJHS Career Day
March 29, 30,31-Pride Conference 
April 12 & 13-STEM Girls Promise Conference 
April 16-PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 7th/8th grade 
April 17-PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 7th/8th grade 
April 18-PJHS ACT Aspire testing 9th grade 
April 19-PJHS ACT Aspire testing 9th grade
April 20-PJHS ACT Aspire make up day 
April 24 & 26- SEGP Conferences