LUNCH: Macaroni & Cheese, Grean Peas, Sidekicks, Sunbelievable Slush, Peach Slices, Hot Roll and Milk. 

Band room is closed at lunch until further notice. 


On , Dana Davidson from the Lyon College Upward Bound Math and Science summer program will be in Mrs. Nead's room from 9:30 to 1:30 to talk to her classes and any other high school student that has attended or wishes to apply for the program. See Mrs. Cox if you have any questions. 

Driver’s Education will be offered at PJHS for students at PJHS and PHS on the following dates: Tuesday 5/29, Wednesday 5/30, Thursday 5/31, Friday 6/1 and Saturday 6/2 (and/or Monday 6/4). 8:00am-5:00pm with an hour lunch break. Only 15 seats available. You must have drivers permit and $200.00 paid to the PJHS office to be placed on the list. Checks should be dated 5/29/18 and will be deposited the first day of class. Please see Mrs. Bandy in the PJHS office. 

2018 Miss Redskin Pageant has been scheduled fir March 10th. Forms are available in the office. Deadline for entry is Monday 3/5/18

Do you have talent?!? Sing? Dance? Play an instrument? If so? Try out for STARBURST! It is a music and variety show for Pocahontas students of all ages. Try outs will be after school on 2/26 and 2/28 in the PJHS Gym. Certain spots are limited. Information/applications are available in the school offices. Do not return the paper to your teacher bring it to your tryout. Call Kim Nead at PJHS for questions. 

Wednesday 2/28/18

No GT Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Kercheval is not here. 

Mrs. McCallister will not have tutoring today. 

Thursday 3/1/18

No GT Wednesday and 4:30 Release players @ 

Friday 3/2/18

Progress Reports go home with students today and are available on HAC. 

Upcoming Events:

March 5-Spring Pictures
March 7-9:00am-1:30pm BRTC day for 9th graders 
March 16-PJHS Career Day
March 29, 30,31-Pride Conference 
April 12 & 13-STEM Girls Promise Conference 
April 16-PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 7th/8th grade 
April 17-PJHS ACT Aspire testing for 7th/8th grade 
April 18-PJHS ACT Aspire testing 9th grade