Lunch: Chicken Sandwich, French Fries, Sand. Salad cup, Carrot Sticks/dip, Strawberries, w/ice cream cup and Milk.
LINK membership drive forms are on the red table outside Mrs. Cox's office. Everyone go by and pick up a form. First LINK meeting next week on Friday at lunch in the old computer lab C.
We will not be making anymore schedule changes.
Friday, August 19th:
Baseball (Grades 9-12) Baseball signups for the next three days are either on Coach Eddington's door in the junior high (room 313) or in the high school office. This is high school team only.
Baseball - There will be a baseball meeting after school Friday in my room for baseball players who do not have an after school practice for another sport/activity.
Red Folder paperwork is due by today for a tardy pass.
Next Week:
Tuesday, August 23rd -
FFA Officer Meeting at 12:05 in the Agri Building
Junior High Redskins vs. Blytheville @ 5:30 p.m. (Home)
Pocahontas Redskins vs. Blytheville @ 7:00 p.m. (Home)
Volleyball vs. Ridgefield Christian @ 4:30 p.m. (Away) (Jr B, Jr, Sr)
Gofl at Brookland Sage Meadows @ 3:20 p.m. Please release the players at 2:00
Wednesday, August 24th -
Fire Drill - 3rd Period
Thursday, August 25th -
FFA Back to School Cook-Out will be August 25th at the community pool from 5-7 PM
Volleyball vs. Brookland @4:30 p.m. (Home) (7,Jr B/A, Sr B/A)
Golf at Rivercrest Riverlawn CC(Osceola) @3:20. Please release the players at 1:00 p.m.
Friday, August 26th -
LINK meeting at 12:10 p.m. in the old computer lab C.
Upcoming Events:
August 29th - Sept. 3rd - FFA - The Randolph Fair.
Sept. 5th - 11th - FFA - The Delta Fair
Sept. 1st: Fall Picture Day