Lunch: Stromboli, Sweet potato ff, Pickle Spears, Apple Slices and Milk.
Student Council is collecting socks for the Louisiana Flood victims. Please bring NEW socks to the library to donate. For each pair of socks you donate you will have your name displayed in the hallway. At the end of the drive we will draw a winner for 2 gift cards to Fro Yo and Joe.
Socks will be collected until September 23.
FBLA membership $15. Any 9th grade student interested in joining needs to see Mrs. Broyles in the business building.
Friday, Sept. 2nd:
NJHS meeting at 12:20 in Mrs. Murray's room.
LINK Meeting in Computer Lab B - 9th Grade (12:00) 8th Grade (12:10) 7th Grade (12:20).
Redskins vs. Nettleton (Home) @ 7:00 p.m. Fifth Quarter: The Westridge Teens would like to invite you to a time of fun, food, and friendship in our Family Life Center. 9 p.m. Till Midnight.