LUNCH: Beans and Ham, Southern greens, Quick Baked Potato, Cornbread, Strawberries/Banana  and Milk


Let's all work together & keep our cafeteria & student center clean & quiet during lunchtime so we don't lose the privilege of going outside. Coach Davis


2018 Homecoming Theme: “Hollywood Homecoming - Lights, Camera, REDSKINS”

Spirit days:

10/1-Monday - Decade Day

10/2-Tuesday - Farmer Day

10/3-Wednesday - Holiday Day

10/4-Thursday - Movie or TV Character Day

10/5-Friday - Red and White Day

10/8- Picture Retakes 

Wednesday 9/12/18

9/12-Softball Meeting today 12:15 in Jr High Student Center.

9/12-Come join the Harry Potter Book Club! Whether you've read them all or have yet to begin the journey, everyone is welcome, wizards and muggles alike!  The book club will meet every Wednesday at lunch.  You are welcome to bring your lunch to the library. 

9/12-Livestock Judging practice Tuesday afternoon at 3:30-4:30 and Wednesday at Lunch.   

Thursday 9/13/18

9/13-PEP RALLY @ 11:20

9/13-There will also be a meeting at lunch Thursday for FFA members wanting to participate in leadership events this fall.  

9/13-VB vs Sothside Batesville 7th, Jr B/A, Sr B/A Away @ 4:30 pm Release players @ 2:00 pm

9/13-7th grade FB vs Highland @ Home @ 5:30 pm

9/13-Jr FB vs Highland @ Home @ 7:00 pm

9/13-FFA Meeting @ 4:00 pm in the Agriculture Building.   

Friday 9/14/18

9/14-Volleyball will have pictures taken Friday afternoon.  Sr. High will be at 1:15(release at 1:00), 7th grade 2:00(release at 1:45), and Jr. High will take during their athletic period 7th hour. 

9-14-Important LINK meeting on Friday from 12:10-12:30 in the PJHS gym. If you cannot come, please come by Mrs. Cox's office to get the handouts. 

9/14-FB vs Batesville Southside Away @ 7:00pm

Sports and Activities 
9/17-Golf Boys and Girls District Tournament @ Cherokee Village @ 9:00 am

9/25/18-Golf Girls State @ Big Sugar CC 9:00 am

 10/1-Golf Boys State @ Ridge Pointe @ 9:00 am 

S.W.A.T. every Thursday @ 12:00 pm in Mrs. Marlow's classroom

FFA Members wanting to order FFA Jackets can do starting August 20th check with Mr. Washburn for details.

LINK/PRIDE applications are outside Mrs. Cox's office on the red table. Please pick up one. Dues this year are $10.00 for each person (old or new member)