LUNCH: Burrito, Salsa, Carrot/Celery Stix, Assorted Gelatin, Assorted Fruit and Milk
Let's all work together & keep our cafeteria & student center clean & quiet during lunchtime so we don't lose the privilege of going outside. Coach Davis
2018 Homecoming Theme: “Hollywood Homecoming - Lights, Camera, REDSKINS”
Spirit days:
10/1-Monday - Decade Day
10/2-Tuesday - Farmer Day
10/3-Wednesday - Holiday Day
10/4-Thursday - Movie or TV Character Day
10/5-Friday - Red and White Day
10/8- Picture Retakes
Thursday 9/13/18
9/13-PEP RALLY @ 11:20
9/13-7th & Jr High Cheer needs to be released at 11:00 today for pep rally.
9/13- Band needs to be released at 11:00 for the pep rally.
9/13-There will also be a meeting at lunch Thursday for FFA members wanting to participate in leadership events this fall.
9/13-VB vs Sothside Batesville 7th, Jr B/A, Sr B/A Away @ 4:30 pm Release players @ 2:00 pm
9/13-7th grade FB vs Highland @ Home @ 5:30 pm
9/13-Jr FB vs Highland @ Home @ 7:00 pm
9/13-FFA Meeting @ 4:00 pm in the Agriculture Building.
Friday 9/14/18
9/14-Volleyball will have pictures taken Friday afternoon. Sr. High will be at 1:15(release at 1:00), 7th grade 2:00(release at 1:45), and Jr. High will take during their athletic period 7th hour.
9-14-Important LINK meeting on Friday from 12:10-12:30 in the PJHS gym. If you cannot come, please come by Mrs. Cox's office to get the handouts.
9/14-FB vs Batesville Southside Away @ 7:00pm
Sports and Activities
9/17-Golf Boys and Girls District Tournament @ Cherokee Village @ 9:00 am
9/25/18-Golf Girls State @ Big Sugar CC 9:00 am
10/1-Golf Boys State @ Ridge Pointe @ 9:00 am
S.W.A.T. every Thursday @ 12:00 pm in Mrs. Marlow's classroom
FFA Members wanting to order FFA Jackets can do starting August 20th check with Mr. Washburn for details.
LINK/PRIDE applications are outside Mrs. Cox's office on the red table. Please pick up one. Dues this year are $10.00 for each person (old or new member)