Lunch: Bowtie Pasta salad, Romaine Lettuce, Cherry tomatoes, Diced ham, egg, Ranch, Asst. Fruit and Milk.


LINK Homecoming Dance: Oct. 14, 2016Time: 9:00-11:00 p.m.

Cost: $4.00 each

Sodas, Candy, Chips, Water will be sold.

D.J. is from Sound Extreme.

Only Pocahontas Jr. High Students are allowed.

Sponsored by LINK: Fundraiser for purchasing Red Ribbon Teaching Material.

LINK will be selling mums for Homecoming (Oct. 14). Posey Patch makes the mums, but you need to use a LINK order form so that we can get a small percentage of the profit. The mums cost is the same amount whether you order from them or LINK. The only way LINK gets a small percentage of the profit is if you use our order forms. Forms are located on the table outside Mrs. Cox's office.

Tuesday, Sept. 27th:

2nd hour girls basketball and Junior Girls Basketball 7th hour need to report to the student center.

Cornerstone Coalition on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in computer lab C.

FFA Officer Meeting @ 12:05

Volleyball vs. Walnut Ridge (Home) @ 4:30 p.m. (7, Jr B/A, Sr B/A)

Tennis vs. Piggott (Home) @ 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 28th:

See You at the Pole is a time of student led prayer for our nation, city, and school. Hope to see all who would like to participate next Wednesday, September 28th at 7 a.m. at the flag pole in front of MD Williams. Donuts served afterwards.

Thursday, Sept. 29th:

Redskin 7th Grade Football vs. Harrisburg (Home) @ 5:30 p.m.

Junior High Football vs. Harrisburg (Home) @ 7:00 p.m.

Volleyball vs. ICC (Away) @ 4:30 p.m. (7, Jr B/A, Sr B/A)

Tennis District teams meet @ Allen Park, Jonesboro 4:00 p.m. Players will leave at 2:00 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 30th:

NJHS officer elections will be held today. NJHS members, go by the library Friday at lunch to vote for officers

The Fruit and Meat Sale will continue unit September 30th if you anyone interested in ordering fruit or meat please see and FFA Member or contact Mr. Washburn, Mr. Hogan or Mr. James. The fruit and meat will be delivered the week of December 5th.

Redskin Football vs. Harrisburg (Away) @ 7:00 p.m.

Upcoming Events:

Cornerstone Coalition on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in computer lab C.

Oct. 1st: Cabot Invitational @ Cabot

Oct. 1st: The FFA Chapter will be going to Pumpkin Hollow on October 1st at 5:00 PM

Oct. 1st: Volleyball Brookland Tournament (Away) TBA (Jr)

Oct. 8th: Southeast Missouri Regional @ Sikeston, MO

Oct. 10th - Picture Retake Day.

The Arkansas State Fair will be October 11th-23rd in Little Rock Arkansas.

Oct. 12th - FBLA Fall Conference in Jonesboro

Oct. 15th - Redskin Classic (Here)

Oct. 18th - Region Marching Festival @ Paragould (Tuesday PM)

Oct. 19th - Flu Consent Forms due

Week of October 24th - Red Ribbon Week/Teaching Week

Oct. 26th - Flu Shots @ 1:00 p.m.

Oct 29th - Championship at the Rock @ Little Rock
Nov. 1st State Marching Band Championship @ North Little Rock (all day Tuesday)
Nov 14th: All-Region Jazz Tryouts (PM)
Dec. 3rd - JR High All-Region Tryouts @ Pocahontas

End of Qtr Testing:

Oct. 11th: Math Testing

Oct. 12th: English/Others

Oct. 13th: Science/Social Studies

Oct. 18th: Report Cards/ PJHS Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:30 - 7:30 p.m.)