LUNCH: Tex Mex Shepherds Pie, Seasoned Green Beans, Fruit, Buttered Hot Roll and Milk
Let's all work together & keep our cafeteria & student center clean & quiet during lunchtime so we don't lose the privilege of going outside. Coach Davis
2018 Homecoming Theme: “Hollywood Homecoming - Lights, Camera, REDSKINS”
Spirit days:
10/1-Monday - Decade Day
10/2-Tuesday - Farmer Day
10/3-Wednesday - Holiday Day
10/4-Thursday - Movie or TV Character Day
10/5-Friday - Red and White Day
10/8- Picture Retakes
Monday 9/24/18
Mrs. Kercheval is not here today. There is no GT today.
Tuesday 9/25/18
9/25-Volleyball vs Brookland 7th, Jr B/A, Sr B/A @ 4:30 PM
9/25-Cross Country @ Old Davidsonville State Park dismiss runners @ 2:15 PM
9/25-Tennis @ Corning @ 4:00 PM Dismiss players @ 2:30 PM
The FFA members will be voting on T-Shirt ideas for the FFA Chapter on Tuesday during classes.
Wednesday 9/26/18
Thursday 9/27/18
9/27-7th grade Football vs Westside @ 5:30 PM
9/27-Junior High Football vs Westside @ 7:00 PM
Friday 9/28/18
9/28-Senior High Football @ Westside @ 7:00 PM
Sports and Activities
PRIDE Team auditions will be held in Mrs. Moffett's room, TODAY (9/24), from 3:30-5:30 and during lunch on Wednesday (9/26). Sign up posters for audition times are in two locations- in front of Mrs. Moffett's door and on the wall between Mrs. Cox's office and the library at PJHS.
*You will need to have a 90 second song, 60 second dance routine, OR a 30 second speech/skit/monologue prepared to perform at that time.
9/24-NEA Co-op chess tournament
9/25/18-Golf Girls State @ Big Sugar CC 9:00 am
9/29-Volleyball-Junior A @ Brookland TBA
10/1-Golf Boys State @ Ridge Pointe @ 9:00 am
Link will have a dance on October 5th after homecoming. Don't forget Mums are still on sale.
Also Link is selling Pizza Kits
S.W.A.T. every Thursday @ 12:00 pm in Mrs. Marlow's classroom
FFA Members wanting to order FFA Jackets can do starting August 20th check with Mr. Washburn for details.
LINK/PRIDE applications are outside Mrs. Cox's office on the red table. Please pick up one. Dues this year are $10.00 for each person (old or new member)